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No Where Else on Earth-Almost Totally Original Beautiful American Lion Skeleton(few lions )
Species : Panthera ATROX Lion Species Description : The American lion evolved from the earlier Panthera leo fossilis, which I have from Europe, and this skull is believed to be the best specimen ever found of an American Lion. It was believed to be 250,000 years ago when it first came to Alaska over Bering Strait with earlier lions as old as 500,000 years old even though only bits and pieces up to 350,000 years have been found. Also DNA shows this to be almost identical to Cave Lion so they are identical species just like Smilodon has 3 species all the same animal . There is Smilodon fatalis, Smilodon californicus , and Smilodon floridius all named by location nothing else as animal is the exact same. Its the same animal just like the main 2 species of prehistoric lion. This is the largest Lion with spelaea that ever lived much larger than African Lions- with skulls up to 16-20 inches over 10-15% larger. It roamed in Alaska, California at La Brea, Canada, Mexico and Florida with traces in S Carolina and Iowa. It is the largest carnivore ever except Short-face Bear which I also have a skull. All extinct lions now are not found except in Russia. In 2010 Alaskan Lions a few people believe were reclassified into spelaea, but almost know its American Lion. This one was found in Livengood, Alaska which to all is American Lion. All Lions are identified by locations with Gir Forest Lions, African Lions, Extinct- Ivory Coast Barbary Lions (1960), Russian Lions , and European Cave lions, and American Lions . I have had all of these-one of few people on earth to have had all species of Lion . From all fossils we know American Lion was much rarer than Smilodon when they lived and smarter . At La Brea only 5 lion skeletons exist , and hundreds of Smilodon skeletons found by government so no private collections exist except this lion. They have found atrox tracks in Missouri but no fossils found . WE do know Lion fossils first showed up in Africa 1.7 -1.4 million years ago then UK and Germany 680,000 (Spelaea), and then they went to Asia much later to Beringa Lions in Russia then over Bering Strait to form American lions from Alaska to Mexico to Florida and S Carolina . So only ones left are ancestors much smaller than original African Lions. Those now probably migrated from Spelaea in Europe much later 100,000 years ago to form lions of today. Some info is just not correct on lions as many other animals in google. Some people say American lions arose from one population in Canada Beringa Lions in Pleistocene from Russia, but these lions are the smallest lion ever . American Lions were in Alaska were huge as you see this one here. There is no difference between American Lion and Spelea except American Lions was in North America which Alaska is a member USA. All who work with lions knows how valuable and rare this American Lion is. When they crossed the land bridge they are American lions Geographic Period : Late Pleistocene Epoch 60,000- 10,000 Geographic time: 30,000 years ago Item Location : Gold Mine(Cave) Close to Livengood (pop 15) in a Gold Mine Cave in Alaska n and also FLORIDA. This was very close to border either way and many more Gold Mines in Yukon . Northwest Of Skagway-close to Yukon No established towns there just mining camps according to original owner . 2 Alaska Lions are combined and 2 Florida Lions w few cave lion . Keep in mind La Brea specimens are hundreds of bones from different animals all put together as I confirmed that with them . Only 1 in a Wyoming museum is all one lion and only 1in the entire world This is next best in the world I believe . Item rating and description : 1-10 *11 Words really don’t match how great, wonderful, awe inspiring, magnificent this American Lion is. It’s 11 ft 9 inches long and if tale wasn’t up it would be over 12 ft long. Its amazing 56 ” high also with 28” at widest . It is original bone from 4 Lion individuals almost all of which was in the Americas. Only the ribs, verts and 7-10 major larger bones were from Florida with most of the Feet being spelaea species. You see no feet have been found in the Americas for American Lion except La Brea from all known knowledge. After speaking to original owner of skull it appears the skull and many inner bones are from Alaska and close to Yukon Border .So few of these animals exist. Alaska, as American Lion was the original known species for many years and most still do . Anyway keep in mind no more than maybe 6 skeletons exist in the world known with all but one from La Brea, and this is one of best and one-of-kind anyway. In Alaska and Yukon no known complete skeletons exist. I was in the Yukon and asked experts and no one knew of even one -skeleton. Miners are more interested in Gold than getting bones. These North American Bones were collected 35-40 years ago from a Gold miner. La Brea Tar pits have 5 but not one is from one animal but many put together from many lion bones. Mine all the verts and ribs are one animal, as well as 7-10 inner bones . The 17” skull is from one, and most of inner major bones except maybe 7-10 inner bones also from Florida are all from same lion also. Anyway the feet are from another lion(cave), which is the same DNA. So this is by far one of best American Lions in the world by far. The skull is 98 % original bone and according to many many top people in the field It’s maybe the best anywhere. The American Lion to be is the absolute height of the fossil world as I’d rather have that as it’s rarer than Smilodon material and I love saber-tooth cats. No one has this, not even the American Natural History Museum as they have a half- skull only. Skulls are unheard of and bones also. My best friend -a cat expert who does books, has many sabercats, had only 1 skull from Alaska. The American lion skeleton is the most prized fossil in the world . Even the claws are huge modern lion as no American lion ones exists since it’s organic and this took a long time to get huge claws as well as some foot bones cave lion . Almost all the sheaths are all original sheaths from prehistoric lions with some some repaired with other lion species ( few modern)sheaths to make them whole. It took me 10 years to gather 4 main animals to do this. . This one appears to be at least at least 30,000 years old on skull with others less . NO museum, no private collector known has a better complete skull as this is almost perfect . The teeth canines are all original teeth . A few were repaired. I searched the entire country for years to get the right skeleton with many wasted bones that didn’t work from American Lion . The measurements of all the bones matches a 17 “ female skull. The teeth were repaired and just 2 from an other same size American Lion but all teeth are present. I don’t want to even find fault with this skull and skeleton because there is so little not original . It should be looked at whole as its so good. To my knowledge no other American Lion Complete Skeleton exists in private hands. The only ones known are 1 from a Wyoming Trapped Pit in a museum and 5 at LaBrea Tar Pits . This is 97% original bone least . IT even has claws complete set from today's lion but thats it . Basically only the shoulder blades has any amount of restore at all with a little on the ribs & was done by the nation’s best prepper. He knows everything on skulls of cats also. Even a perfectionist can’t find fault this. You would have to be an unhappy person to even try to find something wrong here. I only see beauty and you will too I’m sure. To me it’s the best ever found outside LaBrea or best known. The originality is spectacular as you will never find more American lion bone on any skeleton anywhere.. Its too amazing I can’t describe the emotional feeling of ownership of this cat. What preservation this cat shows. Darker color indicates age or location found so this is amazing as this is darker than European lions. However what is normal as nothing compares to this anywhere .It will be in my collection for a long time even though I have many people would pay a fortune for this. Money is not important on an animal like this to be viewed over and over. . I tried to put words on this but this is undescribeable so look at pics. Nothing was spared including huge costs to me to put together all prehistoric lion Lion. In fact it costs me alot for claws and Lion sheaths alone until right ones found for this animal -extremely rare due to huge size of claws just like an American lion-some partial lion claws were inside sheaths so those were kept intact also . here are again only a few in the World outside of LaBrea Tarpits and they are also from a variety of American Lions Displayed in jumping attacking position . Plan on keeping many years as if your a fossil lover nothing beats this. This is the only Known American Lion in private hands -only a few skulls have been found outside La Brea (maybe 5 there also) So its understood no complete American lion skeletons have ever been sold . They do not exist . The last totally Cave lion skeleton and only know of maybe 6 from same person sold for 350,000. This is American lion and the best skull ever known of an American LIon ever . There is no more than 1 from Iowa, one from Memphis area and counting mine 6 from Alaska as its researched so the price with mounting is so reasonable .e . I would like an American or European museum or private collector to purchase and pick it up and do transport as I cant do that on this beauty . Price :499,999 Price Reduced : $429,333 call 706-235-2694 This may be only one for sale in world with real sheaths and even claws