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Amazing Top Premium Monster 16.5” Extinct Dinocrocuta Bone Crusher(Giant Hyena-type of Dog) Skull w Huge Canines

Amazing MONSTER 16.5” Top Premium Ultra Rare 10 MYA Extinct Male  Dinocrocuta (Giant Hyena Bonecrusher) Skull

Species: Dinocrocuta giganteus 

Species description:  Giant Hyena –looking animal which was a carnivore who stalked and killed animals in packs that was huge with adult skulls over 17” Long. They ate anything it wanted as it was huge. IT was a carnivore and was the top carnivore of its time. This genus had many species and all are very rare in fossil records. 

Geological strataGeological period: Late Miocene   11 MYA-5 MYA


Item location: eastern Kazahstsan  EUROASIA 

Item rating and description1-10 : 9.9   Largest Dog 16.5”   Ever BONE-CRUSHER Dinocrocuta Hyena ever - Mammal  Fossil From Eurasia -  Highly Original 10 Million year Old Giant Hyena  skull.  The only other one I had was 15 inches years ago . These aren’t available anymore as this was prepped for decades . . It was purchased in USA 25-30 years ago and recently prepped by the best in the world.  It was obtained in USA and it’s a top premium skull. In fact what is so fantastic is the teeth are all real whole teeth with all teeth original and lower to this animal’s upper. This was before work was done on these, and person who got it is a perfectionist and only gets the best . All was known to be there . Hardly any resto except a few spots. 98% original. I don’t even see any teeth repaired on this one. The darker color with spots  is so beautiful and rare . The teeth are absolutely huge 4 canines 2” long. Imagine facing this monster. It has metal stand that exhibits it so well that is so sturdy. It displays well on both sides. The entire skull is beautiful and natural. It’s simply an amazing piece. Has small amount of distortion on zygos which is common.  These are so rare in fact now this is last one I can get from a collector who owned it in collection for 25-30 years. You won’t see this again. IN fact the person since in matrix forgot he even had in in purchase decades ago. It was prepped recently but not much to do. There hasn’t been a recent one anywhere last 10 years at least . These are highly desirable . I've only seen a few of these in 30 years . THis animal had no waste . IT ate meat, organs   and bones so nothing left. I would say this was the most gruesome carnivore in history and more massive than the largest sabercat . This I believe the last one  that will ever be available due to how it was received as lost item found .

It is so colorful. The color is rare and  so appealing as a dark spotted huge skull. The color is brown spotted with beige and dark brown and some gray.  Lighting affects color of course  

     No other dog in history has ever been bigger . You can’t get these anymore at all I haven’t even seen one quite awhile in 15 years.  This is one-of-a kind . This will go so fast it will make your head spin. The pics will do the talking on this one  These hyenas are just like a dog with teeth that match but way bigger even though in Hyena category . All dog experts agree it’s a dog Displays so awesome .

This was the king and larger than the largest sabercat ever . 


Price :   $24,766

  Call 706-235-2694  This is an amazing  skull  .   I would do a price less than retail .  Only wire accepted or checks accepted 

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Amazing Dark Colored Beautiful 13 ” Cave Hyena Skull from Ultra Rare Location

RARE EXTINCT   Museum Quality Cave Hyena 13” OLD  HYENA 

Species:   Cave Hyena   crocuta crocuta spelaea


Species description: The cave hyena was a top predator in Asia and Europe.  These hyenas were  pack carnivores who hunted most every herbivore it wanted  , IT was one of larger ones  with only the dinocrocuta  and  adrocrocuta larger .It was about 8 ft long  IT looked similar to a modern hyena except much bigger  including the head was much wider and different shaped possessing a long body and short legs. This species once ranged from Iberian Peninsula to Northeastern China .This hyena was a highly specialized animal  that was so ruthless it could kill almost anything with its progressive and regressive features being more developed than the modern African species. IT preyed on large animals like wooly rhinoceros, red deer, giant deer and wild horses in Europe and Asia   .

It began over 2 million years ago as a species and was extinct about 30,000 years ago at end of Neanderthals . It would steal Neanderthals food also as documented, 30,0000 years ago it went extinct  due to competition with other predators and climate change, and loss of grasslands which they hunted. .


Geological strata: Late Miocene thru Pleistocene  Strata 


 Geological period: 2.5 million -30,000 Years ago 


Item location:  Russia 


Item rating and description: 1-10     9.9 This 13” Cave hyena  specimen is very rare due to location and its also very very old . It wasn’t tested but believed due to color of dark reddish brown to be possibly a million years old. Most specimens of cave hyeans are light colored all thru Europe but they in whole terms are so rare -this is amazing. These were vicious killers , and the beautiful color and high quality with what I can see just work done on palate make it special . Look how dark the teeth are also . It is at least 30,000 years old . This was found 20 years ago in a rare location close to deer bones so it was able to catch many types of prey including deer. This fossil  animal is top notch with only a few spots of resto over the skull, mainly on palate underneath .  It’s like an early huge giant dog , and this specimen displays so well. IT was a high quality prep job even though not a lot was done. While nothing is perfect this is so rare an animal and so complete no one can complain.  Its my first one complete, and first from this area. Germany is normal for these but so rare now it’s a treasure  and not expensive .


Price:  $12,999 


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Premium Hyaenodon Horridus11.5” Skull Agape Open Mouth Skull

Special Premium Hyaenodon horridus 11.5” Skull Agape Open Mouth Skull Species: Hyaenodon horridus Species description: This was the largest species of Hyaenodon in North America with massive high saggital crest in back of head, long narrow snout, short neck and long body and tail. It was the top single carnivore although a number of Terrible Pigs could drive one off. This was the largest carnivore for over 20 Million years called a Creodont and it hunted alone not in packs like its smaller 3 related species . These creodonts shared a specialized dentition commonly found in meat eating mammals with shearing structures called carnassal-teeth. This one species was the size of a bear and had 1000 lbs of pressure per bite , and was more dangerous and a lot bigger than any saber-tooth cat of its time a loner).Male specimens show grinding marks on their teeth which means tooth-grinding was used as intimidation with animals. The last creodont went extinct in America about 23 MYA but lasted to the Miocene in Asia. This is the rarest fossil of the 4 species of Creodont by far. Geological strata: White River Formation Geological period: Oligocene Period 35- Early Miocene23 MYA Item location: Pennington County , S Dakota Item rating and description: 1-10 9.5 What a Vicious Rare Carnivore- The Extinct Largest Oligocene Hyaenodon11.5” Great Skull. This is the largest species sometimes getting to 14 inches. It is an adult due to teeth , probably a female one of largest Carnivores during the Oligocene Period. The skull has spot restore including back of lower jaws –just a small section is nice with some restore. It’s estimated at 85% but teeth are amazing . Upper Incisors restored and lowers are real . It shows a beautiful spotted color with light areas with dark spots There was some repair but overall bone quality is extremely high . This is a fine specimen. Anything 80-85% original in Oligocene soils is a find . Even small crucians species go for 4000 now and my last one I sold for 8000 recently so this is a screaming buy at below normal price . If you stand back this looks so amazing ,but it’s not perfect . Great display also . Price : 7000 Ben Shipping : $159 w insurance 2 days Use the following methods of payment . •Online , •Certified check •Money Order , •Personnel Check , Payable to: Dinolandplus.com ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
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X Nice Large Colorful Hyaenodon horridus 13.5” Skull 9” Agape Open Mouth Skull

AUCTION ITEM Species: Hyaenodon horridus Species description: This was the largest species of Hyaenodon in North America with massive high saggital crest in back of head, long narrow snout, short neck and long body and tail. It was the top single carnivore although a number of Terrible Pigs could drive one off. This was the largest carnivore for over 20 Million years called a Creodont and it hunted alone not in packs like its smaller 3 related species . These creodonts shared a specialized dentition commonly found in meat eating mammals with shearing structures called carnassal-teeth. This one species was the size of a bear and had 1000 lbs of pressure per bite , and was more dangerous and a lot bigger than any saber-tooth cat of its time a loner).Male specimens show grinding marks on their teeth which means tooth-grinding was used as intimidation with animals. The last creodont went extinct in America about 23 MYA but lasted to the Miocene in Asia . This is the rarest fossil of the 4 species of Creodont by far. Geological strata: White River Formation Geological period: Oligocene Period 35- Early Miocene23 MYA Item location: Shannon County ,Badlands of Western S. Dakota Item description and rating1-10 *9* Pretty Colorful Highly Original Rare Largest 30 MYA COMPLETE Hyaenodon horridus Skull with Teeth Morphology. This skull is fine with great teeth with all original except a few does have repairs . The canines plus all the teeth are original. It was found whole with exception of zygos so no full breaks, and it is simply an amazing quality piece in all regards including bone quality, beautiful color , and an adult . It’s such great bone quality it was a specimen that was very healthy so it met a quick death somehow possibly by a number of terrible pigs which were bigger, however, no bite marks on the head are evident. These got as large as 15” and are extremely desirable as few are found. Some restoration on skull occurred but expertly prepped so it looks great. Back of skull, zygos and few others like back of lowers are rstored. Quality is still x fine. Since I can’t put in words how lovely this animal is even with retore it’s so nice. IM sending pictures of this specimen and some lucky guy will get a price at great cost .It’s for an investment as this piece will grow lots in value . The unusual color alone makes this a huge buy. I lowered priced wanted on this to close to cost. The great ones go for 7500 and I have one of those now if you want almost perfection . It is open mouth on a great display and it is so amazing. Don’t ask to lower price as it is worth much more to me. This is an amazing specimen for this price. These go for 8000 and I have one that is special almost all original . This one isn’t that much lower so if you want an hyaenodon this is the one. It has a great display. I need the funds for something is reason it’s so low for a quick sale These are gigantic animals , the next largest in Oligocene with terrible pigs at top. Price : . Use the following methods of payment…
  • Online,
  • Certified Check
  • Money Order,
  • Personnel Check,