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FLORIDA 100% Original Beautiful AMERICAN LION UPPER SKULL (WOW)-No Where Else on Earth than HereFLORIDA HIGHLY ORIGINAL BEAUTIFUL AMERICAN LION UPPER SKULL-ONLY 1 IN USA Species : Panthera ATROX Lion Species Description : The American lion evolved from the earlier Panthera leo fossilis, which I have from Europe, and this skull is believed to be the best specimen ever found an American Lion. It was believed to be 250,000 years ago when it first cameto Alaska over Bering Strait with earlier lions as old as 500,000 years old even though only bits and pieces up to 350,000 years have been found. Also DNA shows this to be identical to Cave Lion so they are identical species in my opinion. This is the largest Lion that ever lived much larger than African Lions with skulls up to 16-18 inches over 15% larger. It is roamed in Alaska, California at La rea and Florida with traces in S Carolina, Mississippi. It is the largest carnivore ever except Short-face Bear which I also have a skull. Geographic Period : Late Pleistocene Epoch 60,000- 15,000 Geographic time: 60,000-30,000 years ago Item Location : Found in a Crevasse 35 years ago on public lands in Columbia County, Florida Item rating and description : 1-10- 10 Words really don’t match how great, wonderful, awe inspiring, magnificent this Florida American Lion Upper is . Its 16” Long. The upper skull is so complete with all teeth but one canine that was placed from another one in that area. It was found 35 years ago. The originality is just amazing at 100% . Only 1 Florida whole lion skull exists from Florida(no skeletons) and this is the next most complete and only 1 from Florida in private hands .I have done nothing and no one else has touched it either so this upper is 100 % natural with addition of 1 canine only . IT is so majestic of a skull. This was owned by a finder for 15 years then sold to another collector for 20 years, so I’m the third owner of this magnificent king of beasts. As you know I have an Alaskan American Lion Skull with skeleton also and only 6-7 skulls exist and no skeletons exist in the world so I have unbelievable lions that can’t be found anywhere. The American Lion to be is the absolute height of the fossil world as I’d rather have that than any fossil- its rarer than Smilodon material by far. The American lion and the Cave Lion are actually one in the same just where found the dividing line for ones in Alaska. This is a true American Lion skull due to location as only 1 in Florida except 1 in a museum. The classification for Alaskan lions as soon as it crossed into Alaska 300,000 years ago from the Bering Strait should be for everyone an American Lion .Since geographical DNA was same for both some don’t classify it as American Lion even though all other lions are by location. I do personally have as much knowledge of these cats of anyone as I’ve had all extinct lions at one time through the years.This one appears to be at least 15,000 years old like the other one found close to same area. If someone does have one please notify me please one send pics. The teeth were all original with only left canine missing original since placed in from another lion in same area, and no repairs of any kind. The other canine was split but whole. I don’t want to even find fault with this great skull as few exist ever in USA. Again this is only 1 known in Florida in private hands . About 80 have been found at LaBrea Tar Pits and that’s it – except for one in Florida in a museum only and I have the other . So I have the only 1 in a private collection in the world . Some partial material shows up across Southeast as far a Mississippi River in east . The originality is spectacular as it is so close to complete I can’t describe the emotional feeling of ownership of this cat as I’m a true Lion lover. It doesn’t get any better. I’M so lucky. What preservation this cat shows. The dark color is typical of older lions in any area. You will not see one like this anywhere . This is the only one from Florida that exists in private hands and only 1 of 2 that exists from Florida. Money is not important on an animal like this to be viewed over and over. It’s so hard to put a price on a priceless item. Simply Awesome. The pics are amazing. I’M a collector and lions are my favorite fossil. This is one of my all time greatest finds helped by a dear friend. This is only 1 in private hands from Florida OTher one in Museum I saw cave lions from Europe selling for 75-100,000 if you can find any THis is an American lion only two ever found . Price I would only sell if I received $47,445 Priced to sell THis is worth right now 80,000 for an upper American LIon YOu can get lowers 2 single jaws over time from Florida so this is what you need . Call 706-235-2694 AMAZING ONLY 1 in Private Hands No Mailing -only a pickup Too valuable YOu know cave lion skulls are selling for 90,000 -100,000 last few years Chance of a lifetime |
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ONE-OF-A KIND Astonishing REPENOMAMUS Skeleton -Largest Mammal in Dinosaur Ages Which ATE DINOSAURS 125 MYA-3 ftAstonishing REPENOMAMUS SKELETON-High originality -Famous Killer of Baby Dinosaurs -Largest Mammal during the Age of Dinosaurs Species: Repenmamus giganteus Description : Badger-sized mammal -only one known to eat dinosaurs . Recently on TV as having one with stomach contents of 2 baby dinosaurs . This was the largest mammal known throughout all dinosaur period as dinosaurs kept them at bay the entire time, and almost all others were size of mice . It was larger than several known adult dinosaurs also .It was a carnivore -one of few mammals that were that also ate other vertebrates like reptiles and birds . Only 2 known and this the only one in private hands . A non-placental mammal which means it laid eggs that hatched like modern marsupials . It’s a member of the triconodonts an early mammal even though they started about 230 MYA. IT came from reptiles as we all did . Its teeth are very sharp and between a dog and a cat . That's why I put in cats and dogs. More a cat and may be one of forerunners of Sabertooths even though Miacis -like a weasel is given that honor Time: Early Cretaceous 125-123 MYA Area : Euroasia There is video about this mammal Repenomamus the Mammal that Ate Dinosaurs
Description : Rating 10 of 10 . To me this is the find of the entire dinosaur period. Rarer than any dinosaur it is one of my most exciting specimens. Most people only think of dinosaurs but to get a whole specimen with only ribs and part of shoulder blades restored is so amazing . The head has all real teeth to this animal and is 6” Long with the whole animal 36 “ long exactly 3 feet . I do have ribs but they are in pieces so unable to mount but could put some on eventually on top of others. Expertly mounted and just a sight to behold . Mammals are my thing now and wanted one for quite awhile. It was found in prep shop in matrix with contents unknown for decades and recently prepped. One of a kind - IM keeping this . If I did sell it would take a lot and will take names for the distant future with health permits I cant say enough about this. IT leaves me speechless almost ,which you know is hard to do on my website. This is so great when you consider almost all mammals were size of today's mouse all just trying to stay alive and not get crushed by dinosaurs . This one could handle small adult dinos and babies . Its teeth are so sharp thats why I believe its a forerunner to sabercats -they say Miacis is the forerunner which is a weasel type animal . Miacis was later so Miacis probably came from this mammal . The teeth are so sharp. A Baby pssitacosaur is under it as we know it ate this due to one specimen in the belly THis specimen is better Call 706-235-2694 or 706-802-7894 Not for sale Its my favorite piece except my Fox 53,000 years old thanks You may give me your name if interested some day or Ill just enjoy it while IM healthy. I don't know the true value since no one has this. To me it has tremendous value . Amount I paid is well worth it. |
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AMAZING 53,000 Plus Years Old POLAR FOX in Its Entirety 100%- Skin, Hair , Organs, TEETH, CLAWS all Intact thru recent Freeze- Drying TechniqueTIME in a CAPSULE- 53,000 PLUS YEARS OLD POLAR FOX in IT’S ENTIRETY Inc SKIN ,HAIR , TEETH, CLAWS & Bones Besides ALL Organs Species: Vulpes lagopus(Polar Fox) Description : Small Fox that’s a mammal with males reaching 22 inches-exactly what this specimen is . Its native to Northern Hemisphere in artic tundra biome.It is well adapted to living in cold environments and known for its thick, warm fur also used for camouflage. It has a large fluffy tail . Most don’t live past it’s first year hearty ones can live up to 11 years as this one did as it’s an adult . They preys on small creatures as lemmings, voles, seal pups, fish, waterfowl and more. It eats berries, insects , and carrion also. Natural predators include eagles, wolves, polar bears, wolverines , and grizzly bears . This guy made it not only 11 years but thru 53,070 years intact. Time Frame : Dated 53,070 by Carbon dated C14 in Japan in 2019 by body tissue 2 different ways : One with 8,13 C Correction which showed 53,070(+-1060) and without 8,13 correction & C14 age without rounding off 53,073(+-1058) Pleistocene . Preparator: From Austria by Stephen Grazer thru vacuum freeze drying for 53 days at -54 degrees with certificate in 2022. Its 100% Natural. Area Found : At base of Belaya Gore(White Mountains) in the Indigirka River Basin Siberia within Yakutia outside a Small Tribal Community found by a poor villager providing to the selling person ,who was there with a work team directly in 2019 . This hunter barely ekes out a living as all community residents deep in Siberia. Description Rating 10 To me this is the ultimate treasure -a fox that lived 53,070 years ago totally intact with hair, Skin ,bones and all organs intact. After a career with only bones to actually have a creature intact that long ago is so rewarding words really don’t accurately describe an animal frozen in time under the perma-frost for 53,070 years, and due to climate change the permafrost melting to see so few animals as they existed tens of thousands of years ago . I have read 2 stores only in all my years of others and only know of 2 others- a baby cave lion , and a wooly rhino baby -both of which I have pictures . Both were on national TV-this hasn’t been . To my knowledge this is the only polar fox ever found frozen. I do have a picture when they started to unfreeze in preparation with partial ice showing. It was dirty black. Now we have a treasure that I still can’t believe. IM the owner of an beautiful creature that will last the ages the same way it died -all the hair , organs, bones, and skin . It has a small bald spot where skin died and no hair resulted, but skin is present . Its mounted beautifully under glass . The dry-freeze process takes almost 2 months of temperatures of -54 Celsius as it says . I just can’t find the words beyond this except behold this miracle . This little guy will live forever .Keep in mind this fox is has to be covered quickly so aerobic bacteria can’t strip it , and since it was very deep no anaerobic either . It was carbon dated with hair in 2019, and kept frozen for years until they found the right person they wanted to prep or could prep. This is new business and few exist in the world .The permafrost is melting due to global warming . To my knowledge this is the only adult mammal ever found completely original , a few babies . Not for sale now Price Value is limitless.. IT gives me great joy . It comes with complete write up certificate with all steps for this masterpiece from Preparer. Also hair samples were done early and sent to Japan for testing and was done a second time by the preparer. Both certificates come with it plus a display case with light and instructions to keep humidity 65 or under . It was kept in same shape as it maintains its shape as stated above due to no water in body thru process of freeze drying so its really light as no water is in the skeleton at all ,which is normally 98% of body as us . Also I send pics of animal frozen just before preparation it is black . If found it takes years asometimes to get it done ,and lots of cost. Adults aren’t done because the cost would be 100,000 just to freeze dry . If any interested contact me but IM not sure Id sell unless the right person . You will never see this againy . Its about 14 inches and its an adult . I saw a few feet only(skin, Hair) of a few wooly rhinos that were 100,000 .This is a whole mammal and while it exists today its extremely rare . Only Norway, Asia , Alaska , Upper Canada and Tibet a few exist. Call 706-235-2694 to talk only. Not for sale Maybe someday This person has to really appreciate an adult mammal that is in this condition 17 times the age of Moses Egyptians. That's why they hardly exist . A great friend told me to put it out there . I really don't want to sell this but someday we all sell everything . Not for sale . Personal collection |
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Amazing Find -Ultra Rare Homotherium Saber-Tooth Cat 12” Skull over 90% Original w 2 Perfect Sabers & All Teeth OriginalBeautiful ULTRA-RARE Adult HOMOTHERIUM Saber-Cat Skull 12 “Long Highly Original Species Homotherium serum Species Description :This cat evolved from Machairodus and appeared at Miocene –Pliocene border about 5 MYA and lived in North America & Africa as well as EuroAsia and died out lastly in Asia and North America about 10,000 years ago so it was highly successful . It was a scimitar cat built like a modern lion that had about 13 “ skull but much longer teeth called sabers . It was larger than average saber-tooth cat that was very successful yet hardly ever found in fossil records. Complete Skeletons have only been found in Texas plus skulls like this one . It looks like Megantereon, however much shorter sabers and less sized lower saberguard and sabers reached to end of lower jaw as this one does. It reached 1.1 meters at shoulder. As said as compared to Megantereon, and gripping force. The skull was longer than Smilodon, and Machairodus its sabers were relatively short. It provided a great puncturing and gripping force. This jaw has turned down flanges to protect the scimitars. It has large canine teeth that were crenulated and designed for slashing rather than purely stabbing. Some of the physical appearances were unusual for a big cat as it had limbs that were hyena –like . Forelegs elongated while hind legs were rather squat with feet plantograde causing back to slope down towards a short tail similar to a lion. It had a large nasal cavity opening like a cheetah which allowed greater oxygen intake with brain visual cortex large and allowed it to hunt during the day instead of night like many cats. IT lived 5 million years longer than Megantereon . It hunted in packs and not only killed mammoths but also rhinoceros juveniles.
Geographic Time frame: possible Early Pleistocene 11-2 MYA Area Coast of Texas
Item description: and rating : 1-10 . THIS IS ONE of MOST BEATIFUL SABERCATS ANYWHERE IN WORLD 10 X-Ultra Rare Beautiful Complete Adult Female Homotherium Scimitar Sabercat Skull 12 “ long x6" wide . It is over 90% original bones and 100% Org Teeth with Perfect Sabers and rest of teeth as crisp as anyone has seen. Whats amazing rare but in USA as this one The sabers are magnificient-best I ever saw .The Upper is 99% Original including zygos which is rare . I have wanted a whole one for years and the opportunity was afforded from a friend who is a top expert on these creatures, and this will be admired by me and ones who read this. He had it in his collection for at least 30 years and decided to sell . I've had it in my collection for awhile also I decided to sell this but it’s a hard decision. The only resto is back of lowers which all cats have. IT has wider sabers than Megantereon and larger cat also. This is one of most complete skulls you would ever find with lowers and so rare I’ve only had a few. Only a number of them have been found in a Texas cave , and 2 in Florida and a handful in China and Europe .IT does have a dislocation due to pressure of earth on the side zygos so best to be displayed on either side . This is common for ,80% of cats. AS someone who knows a lot on cats said the species is close to Xenosmulus(rarest sabercat in world) but different Wow what a sabercat. This is the most desired sabercat in the world. Ive only had one other and I sold it years ago for 43,000 , and now worth much more . This is a deal. I'Ll gladly keep it if not sold . Great Value. I doubt if 10 of these have ever been found before
Price: $ Lowest Price I ever sold one $34,445 Its off hold after months due to lack of funds so here is you chance to have the rarest of rare saberats Reduced $29,999 Only wires or cashiers check accepted call 706-235-2694 for details Shipping with insurance $365 overnight |
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ONE-OF-KIND FAMOUS MONSTER Extinct 23.5” Amazing Quality & Originality MALE CAVE BEAR from Drachenhohle in AustriaONE-OF-KIND FAMOUS MONSTER Extinct 23.5” Amazing Quality& Original MALE CAVE BEAR Skull From Drachenhohle In Austria
Species: Ursus spelaeus
Species description: Large Bear from Pleistocene that was previously only known in Europe but this which was larger than size of a grizzly and lived 2.5 Million years ago -25,000 years ago in Europe with large jaws and large bodies similar except bigger than modern bears It lived in Europe at height of last Ice Age and hibernated in European Caves to survive the winters . One cave Dragonhole in Austria contains remains of more than 30,000 bears and many died in their sleep. It was hunted by Neanderthal people and was a vegetarian despite the size of teeth. They were found at many locations also in Russia , but now very few –only Romania . This specimen is from that famous place
Geological strata: Pleistocene1.5 Million Years OLD
Item Location: Famous Drachenhohle(The Dragons Cave) near Mixnitz, Austria This is more than 60,000 years old up to 100,000 years old
Item rating and description : The most famous 23.5” x 13” WideMonster Cave Bear is The Largest Extinct Bear you will ever see from Drachenhohle near Minitz Austria. This is a Monster Cave bear -Largest I’ve ever seen . This Cave Bear was found in 1905s in the Drachenhohle(The Dragons Cave ) Near Mixnitz, Austria. It was excavated when no laws existed. There is no record of the Finder except found in 1905 at this cave but he owned it until 1965 when it was sold to H. Burki. The skull remained in his collection until 2022 when a friend in Belgium purchased if for me so really only 3 owners in 120 years . What is also amazing the dark color indicates very old bear-in fact this one was found over 6 meters(18 ft ) of dirt which comes from cave ceiling over many tens of thousands of years so it’s well over 60,000years old, and it was found in a famous cave where over 30,000 cave bears back then at different levels were found as it was run later by a phosphate company who allowed people in to take them . What is unbelievable of these few exist and no one sells the ones they had so I’ve only seen a few Dragonhole cave bears in my lifetime . This one is in my personal collection and not for sale . Its just too good to part with and so hard to get this. I have the COA with all info signed by him . So this skull until 2022 never left Austria in over120 years. Also the oldest bears in Europe are from Dragonhole . Next the quality is so good even areas of normal resto aren’t restored like zygomatic arches , backs of lowers, lower front which almost all bears have resto but not this one. IT only has a few spots so 98% original , which is so fantastic I can't let this one go, but have one more . I see only 1 tooth that probably came from another cave bear . It's mammoth and wide. European Austrian Male Bear with Super Bone Quality. All Teeth with x-Nice Canines are natural teeth . Cave Bears are no longer found as this species is from an old, old, collection and no more in decades have been discovered. The size at 23” no one has ever seen. They used to be found in caves all over Europe, and Russia, Austria ,Belgium, Germany , Romania, France but now all caves are closed to public. These have gotten very, very rare as only the old collections have them. Not many of these people will sell them so now demand is high, and supply very low. This means prices will be going up a lot and one day if I sell will be worth a lot . The prices have doubled in the last 2 years, and this one is even better and so huge. Drachenhohle( Austrian German Name ) adds so much value it’s just unbelievable to have this , and this is better and bigger than any I’ve seen in 25 years.. The color, no wear on teeth, and natural completeness is really amazing on this skull. It doesn’t get better than this for bear lovers like me. Ill gladly keep it. YOu can hardly believe how hard it was to get this specimen -months and months. The largest bear ever . No one has one thios big from Dragonhole Austria I THis is one of a kind anywhere in world that I know of and sold bears for years . You wont see any from Dragonhohle ever again as I never until last year saw any in 30 years in business . You can look for 100 years and not find a bigger cave bear from a highly desired area . Just find another from Austria IN Europe this area is tops in any cave bear and no one sells them except someone very old . I decided to sell but it doesnt matter really because this bear is so amazing . THis bear is worth so much more than a 17 " one from Romania which now are hardly available . THats why these have gone up Wholesale now is so high its unreal . I saw none at Tucson MIneral show this year where only best dealers come . $19,999 real steal at this price Final $16,999 Largest Bear I ever had of any species and from all records largest Cave Bear ever If you can find a larger bear anywhere ILL lower it 2000 but you wont Email me at or Call 706-235-2694 to talk about it |
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99% Original Monster MEGALOCEROS Entire SKULL 24” & 10 ” High (Giant Deer & Largest Deer in HISTORY-Massive Beast99% ORIGINAL Monster MEGALOCEROS Entire SKULL 24” & 10” High l (Giant Deer and Largest IN History )- Massive Skull (Never get Upper and Lower) Species: Megaloceros giganteus Species description: Known as The Irish Elk -They came 400,000 years ago, and last were found in Russia 5,000 years ago in Siberia but almost all died out at end of last ice age 10,000 years ago. Males had wing spans up to 12 ft long with large antlers in the middle and are the largest deer of all time . It died out due to habitat change and man .These are one of prized pieces anywhere in the fossil world. These just dot exist whole hardly ever. These have been found in Irish bogs hence the name Irish Elk, but they are not elk at all Geological strata: Pleistocene Geological period: 400,000 -7,000 Years ago Item location: -Entire Skull from Ukraine (Dnieper River Kamianske(Formally Dniprodzerzhynsk) Rating and description1- 10 9.9 Exceptional Beautiful 100% Original Megaloceros Deer Skull (24”) from Ukraine. This skull shows you how massive this deer really was. Ukraine is a very rare area known here but the contact hunts and has found some . This is the best and only whole skull available . The lowers are from another but fits great . Both upper and lower had repairs in front . To get a whole skull is amazing and haven’t seen one ever . Occasionally I see an upper repaired but no lower complete jaws ever occur . Both sides of lowers are from the same animal. IM so proud to own this . It's an amazing piece and fits perfectly on teeth for display. The dark color is typical only of Ukraine . I do have another skull also from many, many years ago with antlers. Nothing in the world except my American Lion is more special than these piece. This is a mammoth male, as females had no horns or antlers as deer today. I just saw at The International Museum in AZ a stuffed one casted and it stood 10 ft tall with rack of 12 feet. Mine is 10 ft rack on other one These are highly prized and so rare you can’t get a whole one anymore WOW. I’ve wanted one for many years. It has spot fills and crack fills only with maybe 1% restoration. These skulls are very expensive. One of rarest fossils in the world. Unbelievable as IM a collector and love this piece . It is 99% original bone as I can’t stress that enough but repaired from end parts thru gluing. I can’t get any more . IN 30 years this is only my second one and and that I also have at site with antlers 10 ft Long from my personal collection for decades . Was in an old collection for 40 years or more as almost all fossils from Europe . You never see a whole skull with lowers but I have 2 of them Amazing deal If you ever did get an upper and lower which I only have 1 they are normally real expensive like 15-18,000 $12,999 This is an amazing skull Only wire accepted or check Call 706-235-2694 |
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Rarest of Rare 100% Original Bone From MEGALOCEROS ( Irish Elk )w Right & Left Antlers w Skull10 ft Large Rarest of Rare100% ORIGINAL MEGALOCEROS Entire Antlers with Skull (Giant Deer ) with 10 ft Antler Wide and Long Spans (Irish Elk ) (2 Skulls ) I really don't want to sell this Its too great Species: Megaloceros giganteus Species description: Known as The Irish Elk -They came 400,000 years ago, and last were found in Russia 5,000 years ago in Siberia but almost all died out at end of last ice age 10,000 years ago. Males had wing spans up to 12 ft long with large antlers in the middle and are the largest deer of all time . It died out due to habitat change and man mostly at end of last ice age .These are one of prized pieces anywhere in the fossil world. These just don't exist whole hardly ever. These have been found in Irish bogs hence the name Irish Elk, but they are not elk at all . They are deer totally Antlers are just amazing up to 12 ft long This one is a 10 ft long male . Geological strata: Pleistocene Geological period: 400,000 -7,000 Years ago Item location: Mannheim , SW Germany Gravel Pit Rating and description1- 10 9.9 IM happy to keep this forever ,If you actually put this on a wall 10ft Long and Very Wide Would Amaze You .I don't have the room . You would never in million years have an opportunity to get this Exceptional Beautiful 100% Original Megaloceros Deer Antlers with Skull . The skull and antlers are from Manheim Germany . The antlers had one real large section over 4 ft (Each org. section org close to 5 ft)with many spikes and with a few parts that fitted perfectly at end - all others added in prepping. They are amazing and total length around the curve of both over 10 ft , and straightline10 ft . Nothing in the world except my American Lion is more special than these piece. This is a male 22" Long x 10" wide as females had no horns or antlers as deer today. These are highly prized and so rare you can’t get a whole one anymore WOW I’ve wanted one for many years. It has new teeth repaired and side zygos part of front restored. These skulls are very expensive and antlers. One of rarest fossils in the world. What a rack . Unbelievable as IM a collector and love this piece . The antlers are not exact but they werent in real life One side is not as long because middle section wasn't all there so prepped it with spikes showing .The antlers have been repaired on both sides but its 100% original bone as I can’t stress that enough. but repaired from end parts thru gluing .IN 30 years this is only my second one and best one by far so feast your eyes on this . ALL spikes are on these as it was. The ones close to skull is called the times. One side has little horns other the the 2 horns as one which looks like a sunflower. These antlers are just awesome . What a display this makes and so proud of it . While not perfect it has such an appealing nature to show how wide and long antlers are from world largest deer ever . I've always wanted a great one and this is it -a dream come true . The first picture shows a moose horns to show the different even though bot are on top with org picture of an Irish elk male with his harem . I have two skulls but lighter colored one goes with this antlers for my viewing pleasure, and other one is amazing from Ukraine. Ukraine God Bless you and survive and come out stronger after your bout with a monster. . This was purchased in USA and was an old old collection decades ago as most everything is as nothing found in decades. The skull alone is worth at least 12,000 so pricing right . It has all real teeth and has some restore only on front extensions . This is a chance of a lifetime as you wont find these anywhere . I do have another great skull that if available can be switched but its a dark color. Price: Decided to sell (personal collection )- $33,000 Since both sides have some differences This includes skull , and both antlers . Most I've seen start at 50,000 Both antlers have one piece whole for over ¾ of piece and rest repaired from this Irish elk sections all in place where it was with a only a few pieces from another Irish elk so its all Irish elk bone. Prepped well . Shipping with supplies : In a huge pallet with head mailed separately with insurance $2900 UPS has raised rates and this is my discounted rate International $3900
Must call 706-235-2694 or email me at Only wire excepted |
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No Where Else on Earth-Almost Totally Original Beautiful American Lion Skeleton(few lions )Species : Panthera ATROX Lion Species Description : The American lion evolved from the earlier Panthera leo fossilis, which I have from Europe, and this skull is believed to be the best specimen ever found of an American Lion. It was believed to be 250,000 years ago when it first came to Alaska over Bering Strait with earlier lions as old as 500,000 years old even though only bits and pieces up to 350,000 years have been found. Also DNA shows this to be almost identical to Cave Lion so they are identical species just like Smilodon has 3 species all the same animal . There is Smilodon fatalis, Smilodon californicus , and Smilodon floridius all named by location nothing else as animal is the exact same. Its the same animal just like the main 2 species of prehistoric lion. This is the largest Lion with spelaea that ever lived much larger than African Lions- with skulls up to 16-20 inches over 10-15% larger. It roamed in Alaska, California at La Brea, Canada, Mexico and Florida with traces in S Carolina and Iowa. It is the largest carnivore ever except Short-face Bear which I also have a skull. All extinct lions now are not found except in Russia. In 2010 Alaskan Lions a few people believe were reclassified into spelaea, but almost know its American Lion. This one was found in Livengood, Alaska which to all is American Lion. All Lions are identified by locations with Gir Forest Lions, African Lions, Extinct- Ivory Coast Barbary Lions (1960), Russian Lions , and European Cave lions, and American Lions . I have had all of these-one of few people on earth to have had all species of Lion . From all fossils we know American Lion was much rarer than Smilodon when they lived and smarter . At La Brea only 5 lion skeletons exist , and hundreds of Smilodon skeletons found by government so no private collections exist except this lion. They have found atrox tracks in Missouri but no fossils found . WE do know Lion fossils first showed up in Africa 1.7 -1.4 million years ago then UK and Germany 680,000 (Spelaea), and then they went to Asia much later to Beringa Lions in Russia then over Bering Strait to form American lions from Alaska to Mexico to Florida and S Carolina . So only ones left are ancestors much smaller than original African Lions. Those now probably migrated from Spelaea in Europe much later 100,000 years ago to form lions of today. Some info is just not correct on lions as many other animals in google. Some people say American lions arose from one population in Canada Beringa Lions in Pleistocene from Russia, but these lions are the smallest lion ever . American Lions were in Alaska were huge as you see this one here. There is no difference between American Lion and Spelea except American Lions was in North America which Alaska is a member USA. All who work with lions knows how valuable and rare this American Lion is. When they crossed the land bridge they are American lions
Geographic Period : Late Pleistocene Epoch 60,000- 10,000
Geographic time: 30,000 years ago Item Location : Gold Mine(Cave) Close to Livengood (pop 15) in a Gold Mine Cave in Alaska n and also FLORIDA. This was very close to border either way and many more Gold Mines in Yukon . Northwest Of Skagway-close to Yukon No established towns there just mining camps according to original owner . 2 Alaska Lions are combined and 2 Florida Lions w few cave lion . Keep in mind La Brea specimens are hundreds of bones from different animals all put together as I confirmed that with them . Only 1 in a Wyoming museum is all one lion and only 1in the entire world This is next best in the world I believe . Item rating and description : 1-10 *11 Words really don’t match how great, wonderful, awe inspiring, magnificent this American Lion is. It’s 11 ft 9 inches long and if tale wasn’t up it would be over 12 ft long. Its amazing 56 ” high also with 28” at widest . It is original bone from 4 Lion individuals almost all of which was in the Americas. Only the ribs, verts and 7-10 major larger bones were from Florida with most of the Feet being spelaea species. You see no feet have been found in the Americas for American Lion except La Brea from all known knowledge. After speaking to original owner of skull it appears the skull and many inner bones are from Alaska and close to Yukon Border .So few of these animals exist. Alaska, as American Lion was the original known species for many years and most still do . Anyway keep in mind no more than maybe 6 skeletons exist in the world known with all but one from La Brea, and this is one of best and one-of-kind anyway. In Alaska and Yukon no known complete skeletons exist. I was in the Yukon and asked experts and no one knew of even one -skeleton. Miners are more interested in Gold than getting bones. These North American Bones were collected 35-40 years ago from a Gold miner. La Brea Tar pits have 5 but not one is from one animal but many put together from many lion bones. Mine all the verts and ribs are one animal, as well as 7-10 inner bones . The 17” skull is from one, and most of inner major bones except maybe 7-10 inner bones also from Florida are all from same lion also. Anyway the feet are from another lion(cave), which is the same DNA. So this is by far one of best American Lions in the world by far. The skull is 98 % original bone and according to many many top people in the field It’s maybe the best anywhere. The American Lion to be is the absolute height of the fossil world as I’d rather have that as it’s rarer than Smilodon material and I love saber-tooth cats. No one has this, not even the American Natural History Museum as they have a half- skull only. Skulls are unheard of and bones also. My best friend -a cat expert who does books, has many sabercats, had only 1 skull from Alaska. The American lion skeleton is the most prized fossil in the world . Even the claws are huge modern lion as no American lion ones exists since it’s organic and this took a long time to get huge claws as well as some foot bones cave lion . Almost all the sheaths are all original sheaths from prehistoric lions with some some repaired with other lion species ( few modern)sheaths to make them whole. It took me 10 years to gather 4 main animals to do this. . This one appears to be at least at least 30,000 years old on skull with others less . NO museum, no private collector known has a better complete skull as this is almost perfect . The teeth canines are all original teeth . A few were repaired. I searched the entire country for years to get the right skeleton with many wasted bones that didn’t work from American Lion . The measurements of all the bones matches a 17 “ female skull. The teeth were repaired and just 2 from an other same size American Lion but all teeth are present. I don’t want to even find fault with this skull and skeleton because there is so little not original . It should be looked at whole as its so good. To my knowledge no other American Lion Complete Skeleton exists in private hands. The only ones known are 1 from a Wyoming Trapped Pit in a museum and 5 at LaBrea Tar Pits . This is 97% original bone least . IT even has claws complete set from today's lion but thats it . Basically only the shoulder blades has any amount of restore at all with a little on the ribs & was done by the nation’s best prepper. He knows everything on skulls of cats also. Even a perfectionist can’t find fault this. You would have to be an unhappy person to even try to find something wrong here. I only see beauty and you will too I’m sure. To me it’s the best ever found outside LaBrea or best known. The originality is spectacular as you will never find more American lion bone on any skeleton anywhere.. Its too amazing I can’t describe the emotional feeling of ownership of this cat. What preservation this cat shows. Darker color indicates age or location found so this is amazing as this is darker than European lions. However what is normal as nothing compares to this anywhere .It will be in my collection for a long time even though I have many people would pay a fortune for this. Money is not important on an animal like this to be viewed over and over. . I tried to put words on this but this is undescribeable so look at pics. Nothing was spared including huge costs to me to put together all prehistoric lion Lion. In fact it costs me alot for claws and Lion sheaths alone until right ones found for this animal -extremely rare due to huge size of claws just like an American lion-some partial lion claws were inside sheaths so those were kept intact also . here are again only a few in the World outside of LaBrea Tarpits and they are also from a variety of American Lions Displayed in jumping attacking position . Plan on keeping many years as if your a fossil lover nothing beats this. This is the only Known American Lion in private hands -only a few skulls have been found outside La Brea (maybe 5 there also) So its understood no complete American lion skeletons have ever been sold . They do not exist . The last totally Cave lion skeleton and only know of maybe 6 from same person sold for 350,000. This is American lion and the best skull ever known of an American LIon ever . There is no more than 1 from Iowa, one from Memphis area and counting mine 6 from Alaska as its researched so the price with mounting is so reasonable .e . I would like an American or European museum or private collector to purchase and pick it up and do transport as I cant do that on this beauty . Price :499,999 Price Reduced : $429,333 call 706-235-2694 This may be only one for sale in world with real sheaths and even claws |
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Amazing Remarkable 10 Year Project -Complete American Lion 17 ” Long -HistoryMany More pics for your viewing pleasure The History of Lions originates with African Lions at least 2 million years ago & European Cave Lion(Panthera Leo fossilis in France ) in Eastern Europe then Panthera Spelaea with dates ranging from 3.4 Million -500,000 years ago for the beginning with end only 10,000 years ago . All lions are descendants of this first lion including American Lion. All Lions are named for their location due to mutations . Due to fossils being so rare all literature published has very few fossils to base anything on . It is believed to come across the Bering Strait 250,000 years ago to Alaska and down through Alaska along the coast and thru western Canada namely Yukon thru British Columbia all the way to LA , California ,South to Mexico , and then Florida with pieces in S Carolina. Since it came to Alaska almost its called American lion. A few papers after 2009 put Alaskan items separate but those papers can’t see the forest thru the trees. American lion is from Alaska then to Canada, and California , then Mexico(Northern end only) , Iowa and Florida and the most desired fossil in the world. Florida and LA lions are same . (Cave lions and African lions were living at same time but different species than today with Ivory Coast Barbary Lions(different Species of African Lion)- only extinct for the last few hundred years , and African lions which still exists . Russian lions also came from Panthera European Cave lion, Russian species is much smaller I have had every extinct lion except a ancient European LIon Moshbacker (a friend had 1 )(not including subspecies) in the universe which no one on the planet can say . As I said researched have partial elements and small samples and conclusions are based on little . Almost all of these lions have very similar features and only differ by size and small DNA differences . In fact American Lion and European lions have identical DNA . This one was tested 20 years ago by Larry Martin in Kansas at University so it showed similarities with European Lion so he did research way before others on this cat . While those are similar American lion La Brea is almost identical to Alaskan Lions with only slight mutations on its way there some. Everywhere on earth lions are called by where they ended up including American lions. Canada lions right next door miles away were considered American Lions by all as they said they mutated slightly . Atrox is same size of many earlier lions -huge . Glaciers came as far south as Tennessee in east and California is West . In fact the last million years we have had 9 advances of glaciers every 100,000 years (80,000 ice age glaciers and 20,000 years warm) . In 10,000 more years we will be in another ice age. I’ve had American lion and Florida items and bones and skulls are no different than Alaska lions in any way. Modern African lions are much smaller but still basically the same otherwise. The Route these lions took was down thru Alaska into Washington the route to California and Florida . (This is only 1 whole l known in world-even museums outside La Brea) and they all look alike. That shows my qualifications on lions. People who deal in limited fossil material are basing any judgments on minimal sources as Lion is so scarce in Alaska and anywhere else . A few individual fossils does not make a compelling argument compared to seeing these items and mutations always occur to some degree due to environment. I was in Yukon and they had a pelt from an American Lion at a museum . La Brea lions from California are the same as Alaskan Lions as I’ve talked to them. This lion size is truly a King of Beasts . .My friend is a writer of sabercat books, and I have actually had a number of American Lions partial jaws but that’s all with a few bones. Anyway almost all of mine is from Alaska and Florida except the feet and some inner bones from Europe and the only one in private hands known . No skulls in Florida exist in private collections except mine(I have an upper also) as well as La Brae Tar Pits -all owned by government .This lion is one -of -a -kind as someone can’t get another anywhere . . I‘ve seen so many times google does not have correct info on dinosaurs and mammals so hope this puts to rest any researchers of google .I also know the top lion expert in the world in Africa and Middle East, and he agrees wholeheartedly. All lions have minor differences even in same countries like Africa but all are closely related -Even European spelaea now is almost impossible to find as some were on market a last 10 years but now government controlled areas means no more . The worth is at least 1/2 million and will rise a lot next 20 years so ones in private hands will never be for sale due to investment . No one has an American Lion for sale anywhere at any time. La Brae Tar pits even said their lion bones are from many different animals -all of them 5 displayed. When I told them I had only 4 lions in one they were amazed. Yes the feet and some inner bones are cave lion because few American lion parts exists and its the same DNA . One amazing find . Price: $489,333 Lowered $449,333