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AMAZING Large Heavy ONE-OF-KIND EXTINCT JAVAN HIPPOPOTAMUS SPECIES(Est 500,000YRS-1 MYA )Amazing Large One -of- Kind Extinct Javan Hippopotamus Est 1-1.5 MYA Species : Believed to be Hippopotamus sivalensis sivajavanicus However one of a kind
Description : These originally had ancestors 55 Million years ago which evolved to similar hippos of today 35 million years ago originally in Europe and then Africa then ASia . The earliest known of this species found (only parts and sections-this is only know complete skull ) was 1.5 Million years ago in same area Javan man is discovered which is 1 million years old . Aside from elephants and rhinos , hippos are the largest land mammal IT is also the largest extant land artidactyl. Deespite their physical resemblance to pigs and other even-toed ungulates they are closely related to cetaceans like whales and diverged on land 55 million years ago. Hippos have barrel shaped torsos, wide opening mouths with large canine Tusks with almost complete hairless bodies and weigh about 3300 lbs IT is capable of running 19 miles per hour over short distances and are the most deadly animal in wild -responsible for more deaths of humans than crocodiles or tigers in Africa . ON modern hippos called H. amphibius only 67 survive in Java with some in W, E, Congo and Cape Africa . Close to extinction in Java . These were smaller species so approximately 2000 lbs (1 ton) so still huge Geological Age : Early Pleistocene Fauna) found with Trinil Tiger and Stegodon that has this age also Item area found : Area known for Java Man Trinil on Banks of Solo River in East Java (This species also found a few partials in West Java . This one was earliest known species with man as all other areas earliest known like Europe and Africa is at least 160,000 years ago . This probably is a million year old Hippo Only a few parts like a palate with incisors and a few other pieces and one upper found before this Description and Rating 10 This is a find of a lifetime . The probability of this being at least 1 Million years old is high . It’s the only known entire skull of an extinct Javan Hippo of this species that exists. The Skull is 23 inches long with incisors and 21 inches without and the width is almost 14 inches. The upper had lots of iron embedded in bone and on bone and it was cleaned off with a resulting reddish dark brown color .This is the only known complete set. Also look at the dark color and amount of iron was massive so highly mineralized which means 1 MYA .As I said these actually have cetacean relatives(whales) but went to land 55 million into off shoots of current hippos so they are older than all large mammals except with exception of rhinos . This is so amazing and is the oldest species known as well as only skull of that species . NO one has this and it’s in great condition. IT has some wear as due to age and a hard mineral formed in skull mostly iron and had to be removed just like a Jurassic dinosaur. While highly mineralized on outside which shows age alot time. It would be great to have a skull of Java man as a lifelong dream but just not available . 4 Canine Tusks are present, with all side teeth plus many of incisors. Only 1 incisor restored. There is a little resto around the nasal area, inside one zygo for an inch and a few spots with repair on crack fills but it’s at least 97% complete. Upper and lower skull is amazing . Anyway I had to show you this nonexistent but here piece . Only a few pieces of hippo have been discovered in Java over 1 MYA so this is more likely ½ million years old Original Price: $29, 999 One of A Kind Valueless Todays estimated $35,000 -40,000 call with questions 706-235-2694 Only one known anywhere THis creature has uppers and lowers , which means it may be the only 1 in existence Only wire accepted call 706-235-2694 Check could be also but wire less risky in todays world ASk for Alan or write paleoman@dinolandplus.com |