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Amazing Wonder of Nature -Huge Spectacular & HUGE 36” Wooly Rhino with Real True100% Nose Horn -Never seen in 35 years

Amazing Almost Perfect Wooly Rhino Skull 36” Around the Curve with Unheard of Real100% 13” Nose Horn -   a True Wonder of Nature

Species:   Wooly Rhino (Coelodonta antiqitatis ) 


Species description:  The largest of the rhinos which dies out 10,000 years ago. It was all ,over Euroasia and ate shrubs and grass weighed over 2 tons 


Geological strata:  Pleistocene


Geological period: Pleistocene  150,000-10,000


Item location:   Siberia 


Item rating and description: 1-10   10   Total Original Huge  Wooly Rhino Skull with Almost Non-existent  smaller horn.  It was found in early 1990’s.  The magnificent color of dark brown is amazing and so typical of rhinos in Siberia. This has a horn I’ve never seen in 35 years in the business.  I had a large horn but never ever saw this horn . The horn alone due to rareness is worth 25,000 according to  A person from Siberia who has everything.  He has  only ever had one in 25 years  .  He offered me 20,000 but it’s on my collection piece. The large resin horn matches well .  The entire rhino with horn is just awesome. The Upper is perfect, and only 1 side of lower had repairs in back . 36” for a skull is also huge .  Completely unrestored are rare as lowers all backs have work done but here only 1 side  . It appears almost perfect on all regards. I sold my big horn 12 years ago for 35,000  Now the big ones aren’t found either.  What a great piece .  IN my personal collection for years . This is a for a top collector who wants a piece that will never be seen again .  It also comes with small amount of wooly rhino hair , tendon, and skin also which is so rare also . This horn is rarest item in fossil world so one in many peoples lifetimes to get truly one of a kind at decent price . THis price will never come down. Its not only fair but its a chance of the century for someone who wants something truly no one has in USA and maybe only a few  in the entire world . I haven't even seen a large horn in 20 years anywhere and only a few Presidents were provided with one from Europe Nations  Even rhinos now have n ot come out of Europe in 30 years or more . The lower matches upper in color and also rhino upper . Its one of very few from same animal and with one side of lower not even broken. If you ever do find one lowers never match   

Price :  $ 36,500 

Low Price Final 29,000   The horn alone is so rare its worth 23,000 

This was in personal collection for a long time .The real horn is worth this alone 

Shipping  $1800 with insurance in states  You can pick it up  Horns are removeable  Not glued  call 706-235-2694     wire only 

International -Depends on country if sold  but at least 2500 


This is from Alan Stout-  Owner of dinolandplus.co I bought it here in USA  15 -20 years ago 

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Only -One -Known Huge 32” Around the Curve ADULT JAVAN RHINOCEROS Extinct Subspecies Upper SKULL 99% Original w All Teeth Present & from This Rhino

 Only one Known Huge 32”  Around the Curve  ADULT  Javan  RHINOCEROS Extinct Subspecies  Upper Skull 99% Original  WITH  ALL Real  Amazing  TEETH 1-1.5MYA  

Species:  Rhinoceros sondaicus annamiticus   Javan Rhinoceros subspecies extinct 

Species description: An adult wooly rhinoceros was 10 ft in length -this one I have was a male huge one but this species is the smallest of all rhinos.  It does belong to the Indian rhinoceros. It averages 5 ft in height. Its horn is only 9.8 inches at most and only adult males have these horns. Females lack all horns which has saved them until now . Only 50 exist in the world but this. It eats vegetation . It did survive the last glaciation period unlike most all other mammals of its time as it was hardy and could withstand most anything but man .

Geological strata: Pleistocene  Fauna

Geological period: 1.5MYA -1MYA Javan rhino species still exists but not this one 

Item location:    Sangiran Archaeological Site by Sangiran River close to Kalijambe -in Regency: SRAGEN 

In Central Java about 15 miles N of Surakarta in Solo River Valley. 

Rating and item description : 1-10 10   MONSTEROUS HUGE 32”Long 15” Wide  Upper Javan Rhino Skull from Rare digging site w /All Natural  Teeth with  Beautiful Brown Color.  This area produces such a rare amount of species including Java man, , Hippos, and in this case a Rhino Upper Skull . I cant say enough about this and this area. This skull due to color and weight which weighs over 100 lbs due to total mineralization indicates a million years old or more just like my Hippo . This I never heard of any being found and hope someday to get a lower / It’s just an amazing find . It was found decades ago and in USA for also decades in a private collection .   The teeth are so amazing on this creature as it has total detail and all are here with hardly any or no wear . To me it ranks as one of most miraculous finds I have been fortunate enough to own. This skull is so heavy it takes for an upper only 2 plus people as it weighs over 125 lbs estimated.  It comes on a oak display unmatched with rigid stands to support this monstraousity.   I just can’t say enough how valuable this is. This area has been dated with almost all items 1-1.5MYA items. While this was not carbon dated ,the physical weight and color, and amount of mineralization tells you it’s between this number. My wooly rhino palls in weight to this skull.  THis is 1 MIllion years older . The Javan rhino has 2 prongs in front skull , while wooly has a one continous frontal large lobe . Also the back pof a wooly is 12 inches higher than the back of the Javan . Two distinct specimens almost a million years apart . Evolution at its best . Darwin sure knew what he was talking about. 

   The Upper is 99% Natural with all  teeth from same animal and only a small amount of repair It ionly broke one side of zygos . This was bought in USA as it was here for many years.  NO horns have ever been found of this species from all research and it looks different that the Siberian wooly rhinos . This is a male rhino for sure.  This species was the smallest of rhino species that exist today and a million years ago. Only a few of today’s species exist in western part of Java . I have to look at this for awhile before selling but if I did below is minimum amount . I just had to share this with fossil lovers .

Price :   Amazing price at $14,999.

Price lowered for BLowout  $12,999 

 May discuss 706-235-2694 just details of skull. This is one of a kind  wire only 

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Spectacular Rarest of Rare WOOLY MAMMOTH SKIN w HAIR (Large Belly Section 17” x 8”) From Yakutia Siberia

 AMAZING Rare Wooly MAMMOTH SKIN w Hairs (Large Belly Section 17 x 8” ) from Yakutia  (Skin this size is very valuable )

Species:   Wolly Mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius) 

Species description:   The largest of the mammoths here in North America in Alaska and Asia .  It had size of up to 15-17 ft at shoulder and had tusks up to 16 ft .They weighed about 20,000 lbs. Hairy elephant-like creatures who prospered in the Ice Ages. It was a favorite target of Smilodon and we also know cave men ate them .They were the largest elephants that ever lived during very cold times 

Geological strata:  Pleistocene

Geological period: Pleistocene  1-1.5MYA 

Item location:  Yakutia,  

Item rating and description:1-10   10  Hardly  ever found Spectacular Rare Wooly Mammoth Large Skin Belly Section 17” x 8”. This is so rare because it takes 1 year to dry and remove odors as it’s a long process and very very few around. I’ve seen one partial leg with skin that sold for $60,000. Gorgeous Wooly Mammoth real-time skin even though they last reported to live in Russia 10.000 years ago. On an island off Alaska and Russia - it survived a few thousands more until maybe 3700 years ago even though all others  died out well before this  .Due to global warming  the permafrost in Russia is melting and blasts of water on soil reveal animals on rare occasions just like they lived 10,000 years ago even though most are eaten by bacteria. These are the most desirable mammoth items in the world and they go thru such arduous tasks to make ready for someone. IT makes it so rare and time consuming they aren’t cheap. This is due to size of the Mammoths there and only pieces are ever found. What is amazing is it’s all original with small amount of hair . Nothing done to restore anything. The back of this is all original also. Collectors just dream about this, but here it is  IT comes with a great display also for both sides. TO imagine this animal dies 10,000 years ago plus shows you how DNA is collected and wooly mammoths will return within my lifetime I pray . It makes these really valuable. Completely unrestored, unbroken, and unrepaired pieces are rare. It does not even have a coating. Each one of these value wise added up should be more . I have one for my collection now so how about you . Only 1 lucky person will have this in USA this year.  This is close to cost  and where can you ever get this  Only 1 person in world has business getting items out of permafrost .

Price :  $3497  Paid by Wire or check 706-235-2694  call details or paying instructions 

Shipping : $ 129 w insurance  

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Amazing Large One -of- Kind Extinct Javan Hippopotamus Est 1-1.5 MYA 

Species : Believed to be Hippopotamus sivalensis  sivajavanicus However one of a kind 


Description : These originally had ancestors 55 Million years ago which evolved to similar hippos of today 35 million  years ago originally in Europe and then Africa  then ASia  . The earliest known of this species found (only parts and sections-this is only know complete skull  ) was 1.5 Million years ago in same area Javan man is discovered which is 1 million years old . Aside from elephants and rhinos , hippos are the largest land mammal IT is also the largest extant land artidactyl. Deespite their physical resemblance to pigs and other even-toed ungulates they are closely related to cetaceans like whales and diverged on land 55 million years ago.  Hippos have barrel shaped torsos, wide opening mouths with large canine Tusks with almost complete hairless bodies  and weigh about 3300 lbs  IT is capable of running 19 miles per hour over short distances and are the most deadly animal in wild -responsible for more deaths of humans than crocodiles or tigers  in Africa . ON modern hippos called H. amphibius only 67 survive in Java with some in W, E,  Congo and Cape  Africa . Close to extinction in Java . These were smaller species so approximately 2000 lbs (1 ton) so still huge 

Geological Age : Early Pleistocene Fauna) found with Trinil Tiger and  Stegodon that has this age also 

Item  area found : Area known for Java Man Trinil on Banks of Solo River in East Java (This species also found a few partials in West Java . This one was earliest known species with man as all other areas earliest known like Europe and Africa is at least  160,000 years ago . This probably is a million year old Hippo  

Only a few parts like a palate with incisors and a few other pieces and one upper found before this 

Description and Rating 10  This is a find of a lifetime . The probability of this being at least 1 Million years old is high . It’s the only known entire skull of an extinct Javan Hippo of this species that exists. The Skull is 23 inches long with incisors and 21 inches without and the width is almost 14 inches. The upper had lots of iron embedded in bone and on bone and it was cleaned off with a resulting reddish dark brown color .This is the only known complete set.   Also look at the dark color and amount of iron was massive so highly mineralized which means 1 MYA .As I said these actually have cetacean relatives(whales) but went to land 55 million into off shoots of current hippos so they are older than all large mammals except with exception of rhinos . This is so amazing and is the oldest species known as well as only skull of that species   . NO one has this and it’s in great condition.  IT has some wear as due to age and a hard mineral formed in skull mostly iron and had to be removed just like a Jurassic dinosaur. While highly mineralized on outside which shows age alot  time. It would be great to have a skull of Java man as a lifelong dream but just not available .  4 Canine Tusks are present, with all side teeth plus many of incisors. Only 1 incisor restored. There is a little resto around the nasal area, inside one zygo for an inch and a few spots with repair on crack fills but it’s at least 97% complete.   Upper and lower skull is amazing . Anyway I had to show you this nonexistent but here piece .  Only a few pieces of hippo have been discovered in Java over 1 MYA so this is more likely ½ million years old 

Original  Price: $29, 999       One of A Kind   Valueless Todays estimated $35,000 -40,000 call with questions 706-235-2694 Only one known anywhere 

THis  creature has uppers and lowers , which means it may be the only 1 in existence 

Only wire accepted  call 706-235-2694    Check could be also but wire less risky in todays world ASk for Alan  or write paleoman@dinolandplus.com 

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HUge 32” ADULT WOOLY RHINOCEROS ENTIRE SKULL Highly Original w All Real Teeth


Species:  Coelodontia antiquitatis (Wooly Rhinoceros)

Species description: An adult wooly rhinoceros was 14 ft in length  and 12 ft high and 2 horns on the skull are made of keratin with the anterior horn larger than 3 ft long horn between its eyes. It had thick long fur, small ears , short ,thick legs and a stocky body. It used its horns to sweep away snow from vegetation so it could eat in the winter and defensive purposes. It did survive the last glaciation period unlike most all other mammals of its time as it was hardy and could withstand most anything but man 


Geological strata: Pleistocene  Fauna


Geological period: 1.8MYA -10,000 yrs ago


Item location:    SIBERA , RUSSIA 


Rating and item description : 1-10 9.5   MONSTEROUS HUGE 32”  WOOLY  RHINOCERAS Whole SKULL  w /All Natural  Teeth with  Beautiful Brown Color. IT is very High and also 14 Inches Wide.  The Upper is 100% Natural with all  teeth from same animal. The lower had all teeth in place naturally with only a few ones reglued after they fell out . The lower is whole which is very rare.  The colors match well on lowers even though I believe it’s from another rhino which is almost universal on these but color makes it a great piece. I’ve seen many hundreds with horrible color differences but not this one. IT may be from same rhino but it is great with only backs repaired and small amount of restoration  . The backs of lowers are almost never present and few ever even repair or restore. I did this one on both sides with parts with pieces of this animal and others  . The fit at articulation point is fantastic and unheard of .  Now no one will be getting any more as only first of year Russia has laws now of items leaving country as of 2 years ago. I got this in USA , not from Russia .  This was bought in USA as it was here for many years. This is from an old collection for decades in a warehouse, and never prepped. These are found only in Russia now, but used to be Poland, Belgium, Netherlands, and a number of Eastern Europe Countries, as none in Europe have been found in years due to most areas including home caves being now controlled by governments.  While this has no large horns, I do have one great  juvenile horn you can get. If it was a large horn one the price would be over $50,000 so it’s a way to get one very cheap. I saw one with a horn in Tucson this year for $80,000. Only a few ever have the smaller horn real as only a handful have ever been found. All 4 molars on each side are present. It’s a great representation of the species. The lines and attributes are fine and the top, back, and front are perfect with all bone original on the upper. The top upper in front have little projectiles called protuberances which are so detailed and not worn and many don’t have near the detail as this one.    . I will not send this to Europe only USA . IT displays well on its molars and I’ve seen these on ebay for $20,000-$30,000  with fake horns so step up to the plate and hit a home run and buy this. It is heavy but can be carried or mailed on a skid   . I see huge upside investment in this piece for any of you and hope you see it too as you won’t be seeing these ever in future. Due to color this one looks old. This is a male rhino for sure and largest one I ever saw Even one on my collection for years is 36 inches 


Price :   $14,999

 Priced wholesale for quick sale  lowered to $12,999 


Shipping on pallet air 1750  

Must call 706-235-2694  on details and payment only thru wire or check  THanks 

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Wooly Rhino Rhino partial Brow Horn


Species: Wooly Rhino 

Species description: The largest of the rhinos which dies out 10,000 years ago. 

Geological strata: Pleistocene 

Geological period: Pleistocene 150,000-10,000 

Item location  Russia

Item rating and description: 1-10 10 

Total Original Partial  Wooly Rhino  14” Horn . NO Wooly Rhino horns are available, and juveniles I have never seen until now and I have 2 of them . Diggers don't find juvenile horns hardly at all  but the person I got it from works on his own and removes everything . Wooly Rhino horns are about the rarest fossil in the world . Few have them and ones who do never sell. Heads of state sometimes are presented to them so general public never sees these  .  Remember  a few whole babies have been found and their horns are just nodules . This is a rare chance to get a wonder of nature in 100% original condition with maybe one or two breaks re-glued . The magnificent color of dark brown is amazing ..The horn is worth a lot even as a juvenile and is 100%. natural. Completely unrestored, with few breaks and repaired are so rare on top of that . It appears almost perfect on all regards. The horn is stabilized ia . I've only seen 3 horns my whole life ,and I bought them all . I will provide a  low price for this amazing piece.  Large ones sell over $50,000 apiece .  No one sells these for years . SO someone holding out for a big one will never get one even 

 Price $  1700

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GIGANTIC(LargestI Ever Saw) 37” ADULT WOOLY RHINOCEROS Entire Skull HiIghly Original with ALL Teeth


Species:  Coelodontia antiquitatis (Wooly Rhinoceros)

Species description: An adult wooly rhinoceros was 14 ft in length  and 12 ft high and 2 horns on the skull are made of keratin with the anterior horn larger than 3 ft long horn between its eyes. It had thick long fur, small ears , short ,thick legs and a stocky body. It used its horns to sweep away snow from vegetation so it could eat in the winter and defensive purposes. It did survive the last glaciation period unlike most all other mammals of its time as it was hardy and could withstand most anything but man 


Geological strata: Pleistocene  Fauna


Geological period: 1.8MYA -10,000 yrs ago


Item location:    SIBERIA , RUSSIA  THis is a VERY Dark SKull (Sunlight does not show this ) 


Rating and item description : 1-10 9.5  VERY MONSTEROUS HUGE 37”  WOOLY RHINOCERAS Whole SKULL  w /All Natural  Teeth with Dark Color Beautiful Brown Color. IT is very High (17”) and also 14 Inches Wide.  The Upper is 100% Natural with some teeth from same animal glued back in. The lower had all teeth in place naturally with only a slant in lowers that isn’t easily seen. The colors match well on lowers even though I believe it’s from another rhino which is almost universal on these but color makes it a great piece. I’ve seen many hundreds with horrible color differences but not this one. The only part with a little restored on lowers with bone is putting jaws together correctly and one side on bottom. The fit at articulation point is fantastic and unheard of . The back of lowers is 99% natural with a small bone placed on highest point of backs. The articulation point is 100% natural and that’s unheard of which just doesn’t occur.   This lower matches perfect and color in most areas. IT does have a slant that doesn't show unless upper off but it still lines up with rest of skull at articulation and teeth  Now no one will be getting any more as only first of year Russia has laws now of items leaving country as of this year and due to Putin I would not buy anything ever from Russia in future . This was not obtained from Russia but a local USA person. This was bought in USA as it was here for many years. This is from an old collection for decades in a warehouse, and never prepped . These are found only in Russia now, but used to be Poland, Belgium, Netherlands, and a number of Eastern Europe Countries, as none in Europe have been found in years due to most areas including home caves being now controlled by governments.  While this has no large horns, I do have some juvenile horns you can get very inexpensive . If it was a large horn one the price would be over $50,000 so it’s a way to get one very cheap. I saw one with a horn in Tucson this year for $80,000. Only a few ever have the smaller horn real as only a handful have ever been found. All 4 molars on each side are present. It’s a great representation of the species. The lines and attributes are fine and the top, back, and front are perfect with all bone original on the upper. The top upper in front have little projectiles called protuberances which are so detailed and not worn and many don’t have near the detail as this one.   Keep in mind only Russia has these now, and you can get this one  in USA as I did . I will not send this to Europe only USA . IT displays well on its molars and I’ve seen these on ebay for $20,000-$30,000  with fake horns so step up to the plate and hit a home run and buy this. It is heavy but can be carried or mailed on a skid   . I see huge upside investment in this piece for any of you and hope you see it too as you won’t be seeing these ever in future. Due to color this one looks old. This is a male rhino for sure and largest one I ever saw Even one on my collection for years is 36 inches 


Price :   SOLD 

Reduced for quick sale $12,999 

Shipping  $1400 on pallet  ground or air (more funds )up to you  No international sales