T-Rex, Nano Rex, and Special Items
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UNBELIEVABLE BABY WOLF in ITS ENTIRETY 15,525 YEARS OLD -w ALL SKIN, HAIR, TEETH , CLAWS and INNER ORGANS in a Time CapsuleTIME in a CAPSULE- 15,500 PLUS YEARS OLD BABY WOLF in IT’S ENTIRETY Inc SKIN ,HAIR ,ALL Organs Species: CANIS LUPUS Description : The wolf is the largest Member of the Canidae with large torso and long tail . Adult wolves are 5 ft in length , but this is a baby . They weigh in Siberia larger than any other wolf anywhere at 150Lbs . Habitat is forests or tundra in Siberia . Its native to Northern Hemisphere in artic tundra biome. It is well adapted to living in cold environments and known for its thick, warm fur also used for camouflage .They live in packs and on small creatures and large like Moose, Caribou, fish, as lemmings, voles, , waterfowl and more. It eats berries, insects , and carrion also. No natural enemies except possible bears dators include eagles, wolves, polar bears, wolverines , , and grizzly bears . This guy made it not only 11 years but thru 53,070 years intact. Time Frame : Dated 15,525 by Carbon dated C14 in Lithuania in 2023 with documentation provided. Preparator: From Hunter Brothers and Michael Witske in Germany thru vacuum freeze drying for 30 days at -60 degrees with certificate in 2022. The water is replaced with tiny plastic pellets to keep full form. Area Found : At base of Belaya Gora(White Mountains) in the Indigirka River Basin in Eastern Russia within Yakutia outside a Small Tribal Community found by a poor villager providing to the selling person ,who was there with a work team directly in 2019 . This hunter barely ekes out a living as all community residents deep in Siberia. Description Rating 10 To me this is the ultimate treasure -a baby wolf only a few weeks old that lived 15525 years ago totally intact with hair, Skin and all organs. After a career with only bones to actually have a creature intact that long ago is so rewarding words really don’t accurately describe an animal frozen in time under the prema-frost for this long and due to climate change the permafrost melting to see so few animals as they existed tens of thousands of years ago . I have read 2 stores only in all my years of others and only know of a few others a baby cave lion , and a wooly rhino baby -baby wooly mammoth which I have pictures . Both were on national TV-this hasn’t been . . I do have a picture when they started to unfreeze in preparation with partial ice showing. Now we have a treasure that I still can’t believe IM the owner of an beautiful creature that will last the ages the same way it died -all the hair , organs and skin . Its mounted beautifully under glass with humidity requirements and prevention of insect destruction . The dry-freeze process takes1 month of temperatures of -60 Celsius as it says . I just can’t find the words beyond this except behold this miracle . The person has a government contract to exact for a fee. This baby has all the teeth , every claw which you can see and I had a choice of 5 last year and this was best one by far . Keep in mind this baby wolf is has to be covered quickly and froze (it died from freezing) so aerobic bacteria can’t strip it , and since it was very deep no anaerobic either . It was carbon dated with hair in 2023, and kept frozen for years until they found the right person they wanted to prep or could prep. This is new business ,and few exist . IT has pictures of when found at site and also where found in cave and at preppers Price Value is limitless. . IT gives me great joy The few babies found takes years sometimes to get it done and lots of cost. Adults aren’t done because the cost would be so costly just to freeze dry . If any interested contact me but IM not sure Id sell unless the right person . You will never see this again anywhere. I saw a few feet only(skin, Hair) of a few wooly rhinos that were 100,000 just for part of head .This is a whole mammal and while it exists today in Northern Hemisphere . This wolf not only dating but COA from Prepper and also fish and wildlife documentation in memo form from original owner
Call for info 706-235-2694 or email paleoman@dinolandplus.com |
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ONE-OF-A KIND Astonishing REPENOMAMUS Skeleton -Largest Mammal in Dinosaur Ages Which ATE DINOSAURS 125 MYA-3 ftAstonishing REPENOMAMUS SKELETON-High originality -Famous Killer of Baby Dinosaurs -Largest Mammal during the Age of Dinosaurs Species: Repenmamus giganteus Description : Badger-sized mammal -only one known to eat dinosaurs . Recently on TV as having one with stomach contents of 2 baby dinosaurs . This was the largest mammal known throughout all dinosaur period as dinosaurs kept them at bay the entire time, and almost all others were size of mice . It was larger than several known adult dinosaurs also .It was a carnivore -one of few mammals that were that also ate other vertebrates like reptiles and birds . Only 2 known and this the only one in private hands . A non-placental mammal which means it laid eggs that hatched like modern marsupials . It’s a member of the triconodonts an early mammal even though they started about 230 MYA. IT came from reptiles as we all did . Its teeth are very sharp and between a dog and a cat . That's why I put in cats and dogs. More a cat and may be one of forerunners of Sabertooths even though Miacis -like a weasel is given that honor Time: Early Cretaceous 125-123 MYA Area : Euroasia There is video about this mammal Repenomamus the Mammal that Ate Dinosaurs
Description : Rating 10 of 10 . To me this is the find of the entire dinosaur period. Rarer than any dinosaur it is one of my most exciting specimens. Most people only think of dinosaurs but to get a whole specimen with only ribs and part of shoulder blades restored is so amazing . The head has all real teeth to this animal and is 6” Long with the whole animal 36 “ long exactly 3 feet . I do have ribs but they are in pieces so unable to mount but could put some on eventually on top of others. Expertly mounted and just a sight to behold . Mammals are my thing now and wanted one for quite awhile. It was found in prep shop in matrix with contents unknown for decades and recently prepped. One of a kind - IM keeping this . If I did sell it would take a lot and will take names for the distant future with health permits I cant say enough about this. IT leaves me speechless almost ,which you know is hard to do on my website. This is so great when you consider almost all mammals were size of today's mouse all just trying to stay alive and not get crushed by dinosaurs . This one could handle small adult dinos and babies . Its teeth are so sharp thats why I believe its a forerunner to sabercats -they say Miacis is the forerunner which is a weasel type animal . Miacis was later so Miacis probably came from this mammal . The teeth are so sharp. A Baby pssitacosaur is under it as we know it ate this due to one specimen in the belly THis specimen is better Call 706-235-2694 or 706-802-7894 Not for sale Its my favorite piece except my Fox 53,000 years old thanks You may give me your name if interested some day or Ill just enjoy it while IM healthy. I don't know the true value since no one has this. To me it has tremendous value . Amount I paid is well worth it. |
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Rare Large Cycad Tree Fossil 10 x 8 x 7 - One of a KindRare LargeCycad Tree Fossil 10 x8 x7 Petrified-)one of a Kind Species: Cycadeoideadacotensis (Cycad) Species description: Extinct Genus-species of TREE very rare found in North America very rarely . It was a large tree endemic to NorthAmerica. It went extinct millions of years ago during Cretaceous Period. It resembles a Giant Palm Tree. Geological strata: Lakota Sandstone Formation Geological period: 90 Million years approx. Lower Cretaceous Item location: Minnekahta, Fall River County ,S Dakota Item rating and description: 1-10—10 Beautiful Rare 10 x 8 x7” Petrified Cycad Tree. I’ve only seen ones from one tree Anywhere anytime in 20 years of this business and I bought it. It was a lot but its worth it Its been in my collectionfor 15 years with no thought of selling until now as you can’t replace it. Anyway you can tell it’s a tree and hasfine detail in all regards You will never see this again .The others I saw this size all were selling 5-6 thousand . This is a giveaway at… Price : $4499 Blow out sale $$2499 THis is under my cost Call 706-235-2694 Wire or Check only Amazing Price Shipping : It's heavy $289 |
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Amazing Stegosaurus Tail Defensive spike Oldest Dino and Stego 11” From Africa (Most desired dino fossil)Ultra Rare ADULT OLDEST STEGOSAURUS ON EARTH TAIL SPIKE Age(168MYA)(Most sought after fossil in World in dinoworld Species : Adratiklit boulahfa Stegosaurus
Species description: Stegosaurus is an armored dinosaur and means “narrow faced roof lizard “ about 23 ft long noted for large dorsal plates used for temp regulation and mating , and tail spikes in back for defense. IT was a herbivore, and little known it is the longest living dinosaur over Jurassic and Cretaceous. It was found in late Cretaceous Indian soil. It is a weird looking dinosaur compared to others .It is considered the longest living dinosaur ever due to India having this creature up to 65 MYA so it is at least 100 Million Years Old since it first appeared. This is first one from Africa at Atlas Mountains and slightly smaller
Geological strata: Early Iwassie
Geological period: Early Jurassic 168 MYA
Item location: Atlas Mountains , Africa
Description and rating: 1-10 *10 *Rare Jurassic Tail Defensive 11”m Tail Spike from First Stegosaurus before Stenops . IT looked the same -a little smaller not much brae Chain with 10 Caudal Verts with Processess and Canal. Rarely do I offer any Stegosaurus material as so little is ever found. A Steg Jurassic vertebrae is an amazing find no matter where found . I can count on one hand how many pieces of stegosaurus bones I see in 20 years as it’s that rare. Its just crack fills from breaks but that’s it . All original . Missing small amount at tip .All others there so probably broke in battles in life. It’s all bone which is amazing. It’s shape is outstanding as well with great detail all over with a dark black color. I would pack this in foam so it can be shipped easily safely. I saw 5 american ones 250,000 some same size ) so for this you pay basically 1/6th the price American ones have priced us all out of market
Price : $7999 Must call 706-235-2694 wire or check only NO paypal ask for alan
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Famous Unbelievable From One Publication 10 years ago TREX STOMACH Contents w Raptor Jaw, Mammal etcFamous Unbelieveable FromOne Publication(Only Place-One Rex) TREX STOMACH CONTENTS 26” x 10” Heavy Fullof Bones w Raptor jaw and mammal skull . Species: Tyrannosaurus rex Species description: One of largest carnivore during dinosaurs age with 12” corner teeth with roots and up to 49 ft long and USA own species found in western USA. Very powerful and massively built dinosaur which hunted solitary . It easily downed its prey with quick surprise attacks. Period: Late Cretaceous Period 70-66.5 MYA Geographic strata found: Hell Creek Formation Geologic location: Glendive, Montana Description and rating:1-10 10 This is the main piece that is famous -written by palentologists and research experts in 2009 . It is huge at 26” long by 10 inches high . IT is one of a kind . It has a raptor jaw and mammal skull with thousands of bone chunks . The partial lower jaw and has a 2 cusped-like molar tooth on anterior border(Pics enclosed) .This is one of a kind piece that only occurred under ribs of one dinosaur in ne location . On skull it has a palate, incisive foramen, 2 auditory bullae, many teeth you can see . I also have a closeup picture taken with paper . I had 5 other pieces that all sold as I was there 10 years ago. This is the biggest most famous and had had electronic microscope pictures of this and many others. IT comes with a book of 21 pages with writeups and proof of what it is .This is so valuable as one paper on this specimen from one animal is only 1 been found to date . IT comes with the paper describing this amazing part of TREX . So many questions enter your mind on this but it comes from the rancher in the paper who has many jaws in his piece. It was covered quickly so bacteria could not work on it and it died just after a meal of course so thousands of things had to go right to obtain this massive great find. Research also shows the TREX died by drowning and it ate a small mammal just before death. You need to read this publication of CPSQ 2013 Article which comes with purchase Since none exists for sale, and I kept one piece this is priceless. The rancher is a friend and sold only to me these pieces. I also gave a small piece to a dear hunter friend. This is the second largest piece found as I sold one many years ago before conclusive paper was done so that piece is worth lots more now. It was a surface find so layering was so great even with on the surface. The details this is so great. The piece is absolutely outstanding and a must for a collector who wants everything found of a TREX .It is heavy and some bone material are seen throughout in all different directions. Certain spots due to elements created holes throughout which allows you to see the inner items. The value on this is so hard on this as it’s one of a kind again. The owner kept the largest piece and will never sell. NO discounts apply to this piece. It can be shipped safely. Talk about DNA-this is better and can be yours .Some of papers and electronic microscope pics are included . It is hard to see but can be seen in this contents. The main items are under 1 and 2 and also closeups are shown from publication . This will attract buyers for years to come as this is a dinosaur center piece. Value is limitless to me just to see it for years . email me call at 706-235-2694 NO one in world has this There is tons of documentation and a treat for anyone who is lucky enough to own it You can see bone throughout. This is a very heavy item Very famous- one- of- kind piece. Its amazing For sale recently due to Museum negiotator un able to gain access Price: $Traded |
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Beautiful TREX Large 8” x 13” x11” Highly Original Complete CAUDAL Vert w Processess and CanalBeautiful TREX Large Original Complete CAUDAL VERT with Great Processes and Canal Species: Tyrannosaurus rex Tyrannosaurus Rex was15 ft high that lived in western USA - largest in the United States that ever lived and killed and scavenged prey Period: Late Cretaceous Period 70-66.5MYA Geographic strata found: Hell Creek Formation Geologic location: Baker, Montana Description and rating: 1-10 10 Beautiful Rare Flying or Butterfly Caudal (Larger than other one listed)Complete 8” x 13” x11” High Early in Tail at Top Huge VERTEBRAE. This caudal I call one of the The flying caudals because processes are shaped similar to a plane ( I never had this one) The processes were off the vert centrum but whole completely so just prepped them and put back on. The cleaned out a canal AS FAR AS I COULD GO each way. Its so original only spot and crack fills and one repair on one side of vert were a few pieces fell out and were glued back in . It was cleaned well and has darker and lighter areas of bone which is normal as this piece was found with about 15% -20% of a TREX in 2008 . The femur , tibia and pelvic bones unprepped plus many other TREX bones found here at site all from same animal . The centrums are compressed(flatter than normal-normally round ) due to millions of years like my other caudal . This caudal is bigger and better quality and all the processes -what more can you ask for a great TREX bone that is complete over 65 Million years ago. The processes have 4 large zygophyses and the wings all symmetrical . This is an amazing piece for all your TREX lovers. It has all the process which is quite large at 13 inches by 8 inches. This natural process is so nice, and with size and also quality with all processes makes this very valuable. Just a small one I have goes for over 2000. This was verified by a dinosaur expert so this is amazing and accurate. It was from a rancher and dinosaur hunter who has connections with the paleontological experts in the field. It was found with many paleontologists digging it out of the ground . Not only is it a complete high quality compressed centrum with little wear. TREX the centrums curves inwards is one of ways you tell it’s tyrannosaur . I have never even seen this caudal ever . Most verts(if your lucky enough to get a REX are missing 20% and restored but not this one-maybe 1 % restored at most. It is a way to get a fine example of the World’s Most Feared Predator of all time without spending a fortune. It is guaranteed one of past middle tail verts closer to upper end. I love Rex and you never find anything Rex at this price which is amazing. I sell whole neck and dorsal verts at $8000 .Remember TREX bones are naturally shiny . The indentation of the centrum and the butterfly look show it’s TREX no doubt . Ided by some of best paleontologists in USA. It doesn’t get more natural than this one. Perfectionist need not apply as no one has this vert -not even me . I have one similar but closer to middle almost same price . The last 2 of 3 pictures show a metal display you can have even though it wasn’t for this it will work if you want it upright by putting centrum on table or shelf . Price : $4495 Its big can only pay thru wire so call 706-235-2694 Lee Shipping : $179 2 boxes one for stand and one for caudal with insurance |