T-Rex, Nano Rex, and Special Items

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Huge Exceptional 6.5” Around the Curve TREX Point Tooth Highly Original w Serrations & Great Enamel

HUGE Exceptional 6.50” Around the Curve TREX TOOTH Highly Original w Nice Serrations & Super Enamel Species : Tyrannosaurus rex Species description : One of Largest carnivores during the dinosaur age with 12” Corner teeth with roots and up to 49ft long and USA own species in western USA . Very powerful and massively built dinosaur which hunted solitary . It easily downed prey with surprise attacks through use of the jaws. Period: Late Cretaceous Period 70-66.5” MYA Geographical strata found: Hell Creek Formation Area Found: Baker, Montana Item description and Rating1-10 9.5 HUGE Extra Nice “6.5” LONG Around Curve (6” Circumference) TREX POINT TOOTH with Great Serrations on 1 Side , Many on other side but worn. The enamel is excellent . This tooth is very very large and quality wise it has a tip from another Rex but it aligns almost perfect including serration , with great enamel. Only for ¾ “ a small ridge exists to show the tip which was from another Rex that fit almost perfectly .The enamel is so beautiful I can’t hardly believe it. It was mailed and unfortunately my 1 large whole section broke but was painstakingly put back together with glue as repair. A slight of amount of restore in middle of tooth exists but none outside on tooth at all . A tooth this large. I’ve received 38,000 before on same TREX so this is an opportunity to get a huge tooth at great price just because tip was from another. I can’t say enough about quality, color, size and serrations , circumference, and overall appearance .I can say this -You would never get a tooth this size for this price . Its real just not perfect . Serrations on one side are all there and crisp. At auction this tooth goes for extreme funds so here is your chance. IT was found in 2008 with other rex parts and was able to get it after wanting it for years . So 60000 at auction or here ¼ that price. Color is brown to black color and shows some root intrusion still with almost all enamel. Very few teeth exist with this much tooth plus total root but this point tooth is totally complete. I haven’t had one in many many years but only 2 larger in 20 years . I just can’t believe I have this as this is not only large but an excellent tooth. It was smashed on sending for prep but repaired expertly and put back together This is one of larger teeth you will ever see. The prep work was great but it looked great when I got it natural also. Words can’t describe how nice and large this tooth is. I saw at auction 2 years ago at 5.5” go for 57,000 plus commission that looked horrible, but this one makes that look like a rookie. Most large teeth have bad serrations but this has one great side. This was so good I was willing to pay a huge amount for this tooth as I knew the value on this. This tooth is worth much more but hoping for someone who appreciate quality for a quick sale . You will see some brown long sections -its perfect enamel which you don’t see much .Rest is enamel also with little resto- but has some root exposure and cracks . If not sold quickly it I decide to keep this one to show my classes I teach. You will not have a chance to gt another one at this price . My first big 6 plus tooth 10 years ago I sold for same amount and it had 15% resto This one has nothing on outside only a few % inside / Keep this in in mind If interested let me know if money available THis is way below value. If person who desired it cant pay within reasonable time this will be sold . Price : $28000 this is worth John T Shipping : $389 with insurance overnite Possible hold
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Part2-Best of Best Beautiful HUGE 6.25"100% Original (Never Broken)TREX TOOTH All Great

Best of Best – Beautiful HUGE 6.25” 100% Original (Never Broken) TREX TOOTH w Super Enamel, Variable Colors, Size, and Slight Serrations Species : Tyrannosaurus rex Species description : One of Largest carnivores during the dinosaur age with 12” Corner teeth with roots and up to 49ft long and USA own species in western USA . Very powerful and massively built dinosaur which hunted solitary . It easily downed prey with surprise attacks through use of the jaws Period: Late Cretaceous Period 70-66.5” MYA Geographical strata found: Hell Creek Formation Area Found: Slope County, North Dakota (Famous Ranch)Private Land Item description and Rating 1-10 10 HUGE GREAT Never Broken 6.25 Around the Curve Plus 6.25 ” Base Circumference TREX POINT TOOTH with Great Patina and many Pluses . First and most important this is a totally natural tooth with only cleaning, buffing with resistant wax, stabilization and 1 crack fill. It was found whole and stabilized so never a Break which is simply amazing for a huge tooth . Next the color assortment is just amazing on all levels with, Blue, Black, Reddish Brown on root, Dark Brown, and Lighter Brown, and slight Gray . Its by far the most colorful tooth I ever had . Now the Size . There is 5 Plus inches of actual tooth and a little over a 1” root. This is unheard of . Most large teeth 4” of Tooth rest root. The ridge shown is on one side is not real noticeable.IN order to make is go away the tooth would have had to be taken apart in this area and fitted . Since this is all natural I didn’t have heart to do that and adds credibility. The location is famous for a huge find written about in books which will be disclosed to buyer only. The enamel is so beautiful I can’t hardly believe it. The serrations can be seen but are naturally worn as this is an old Huge Male who ate many dinosaurs in his lifetime . Tip is so beautiful with again natural wear with still patina. A friend just sold a tooth with some restore for $57,000 , and at auction this tooth is appraised at $55-60,000 so this is a buy . When have you ever seen an all natural tooth. I can’t say enough about quality, color, size and originality with overall appearance . I can say this -You would never get a tooth this size for this price. IT was found last year. WE know serrations are naturally worn since small points do exist in most areas. Almost all big teeth have this on serrations especially one this old .Very few teeth exist with this much tooth plus some root but this point tooth is totally complete. I haven’t had an all original one ever. I just can’t believe I havethis as this is not only large but an excellent tooth. Words can’t describe how nice and large this tooth is. I saw at auction 2 years ago at 5.5” go for 57,000 plus commission that looked horrible, but this one makes that look like a rookie. Sold 48000
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Species: Titanis walleri Species description: Prehistoric Giant Flightless Birds that had a height of 7 ft and weighed at least 330 lbs .These extinct Birds came here from S America and are extremely rare in fossil History . In fact only 41 bones have ever been uncovered in the Universe . These birds had powerful predatory feet and enormous head and beak . They lived in open grasslands scattered with oak trees .These birds lived in Pliocene Period of Florida and went extinct about 1.5 million years ago. They were not successful here in USA . They ate small ridents ,mammals , reptiles and carrion .Running its prey down and holding it with its large feet and claws and using an axe-like beak to finish the kill was its way of killing .The only known bones of this bird are found in Texas and Florida Geological strata: Blancan North American Stage 4.75 MYA - 1.8 MYA Geological period: 4.75 -1.8 Million years ago Item location: Dixie County-3 pieces , Suwannee County Co. -4 pieces Gilchrist rest Item rating and description:1-10 ***10*** Amazing Terror Bird 14 Pieces - 2 scapula-coracoid piece 3.5” long, 4 beak pieces -one over 5.5” long,1 piece of skull under eye orbit with partial eye orbit, and 3 skull jaw pieces , and 2 4” leg bone piece .These are all original and you can see the struts so typical of birds . I can’t even imagine owning these pieces so I can’t give them up . While not for sale I wanted to show you how this bird looked . Out of a total of 41 bones and bone fragments officially known from the entire US including only 1 from Texas and the rest from Florida , I own 18% of all known bones . All the rest are in a museum at an university While only pieces I have many skull pieces and jaw plus the beak., so it’s simply amazing . You will never see these anywhere else . In so proud to own these .I also have a full toebone that cost me a fortune as one of only 2 whole terror bird whole bones This has been in my collection for 20 years I want to share with someone else Only ones available for public sale ever THis is the rarest of all fossils . Since a skull hasn’t been found in North America no casts exist except 1 found in S America This one is 2 times the size Price $8999 Sale $6999 Decided to sell call 706-235-2694
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Beauty-Juvenile TREX #2 Metatarsal So Rare & Complete

Beauty- Juvenile T-REX #2 Metatarsal from Montana-So Rare and Complete Species: Tyrannosaurus rex Species description: One of largest carnivore during dinosaurs age with 12” corner teeth with roots and up to 49 ft long and 15 ft high that lived in western USA – largest in the United States that ever lived and killed and scavenged prey. Period: Late Cretaceous Period 70-66.5MYA Geographic strata found: Hell Creek Formation Geologic location: Bowman County , North Dakota Descriptionand Rating 1-10 10 Unbelievable 13.5” Juvenile TREX Metatarsal -Middle One . I have never seen a juvenile metatarsal-especially the thin middle one that is so fragile they break up in 65 million years . I’ve had only 1 adult #2 metatarsal in my life and have had almost every bone of a REX . I did have a juvenile Pubis that sold for $11,000 about the same size. This is complete and 99% original with only a few spot and crack fills. I had it all and here it is a Complete Tyrannosaurus REX #2 METATARSAL . It is so amazing this thin bone in middle even exists. It is so fragile yet shippable how could this even happen . This is a mystery of nature. Can you imagine this ?? WOW. The bone quality is top quality with no wear .This was a joy to get. So no restoration at all. I purchased this from 2 paleontologists and it was so obvious it’s REX My 2 adults I had look exactly the same . I’d love to talk to you about it. Eat your heart out Museums so no one has this bone . I decided to make someone else happy by selling it . Just got it from my western trip 2 weeks ago . You TREX NUTS Call 706-235-2694 Price : $3357 So you know adults go for over 5500 so this is a steal Low Final Price : $2957 Final $2736 Shipping w insurance $99
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Amazing Monster Old T-REX Foot Claw 8 3/8” Around Curve 100% Original Nothing Done- Not for sale

Top Premium 100% Monster 8 3/8” Pathological T-REX FOOT CLAW (KING of All Beasts EVER) with disease. What a treat for someone. Its all there as this Foot was Infected-got soft and Wore off a Small Portion .Its Exactly as it was when lived so 100% Original - Best Ever Never to be sold Species: Tyrannosaurus rex Species description: One of largest carnivore during dinosaurs age with 12” corner teeth with roots and up to 49 ft long and USA own species found in western USA. Very powerful and massively built dinosaur which hunted solitary . It easily downed its prey with quick surprise attacks. Period: Late Cretaceous Period 70-66.5 MYA Geographic strata found: Hell Creek Formation Geologic location: 35 miles Southwest of Jordan , Montana Edwards Ranch Description and rating: 1-10 10 There is nothing like this anywhere a 8 .25 inch around the curve TREX Claw .This is an AWESOME over 8 inch -4 inches across at base and heavy. One of Kind TREX FOOT CLAW From HELL CREEK . It is in excellent condition and 100 % Original-no work done. What I discovered and confirmed from paleontologists this tip was worn due to an infection and it being a monster dinosaur -probably over 50 years old and a male . Also only one this old and large could have this big a claw. Details on claw are amazing. It was a surface find. The articulation point is beautiful with slight wear and the entire claw is in pristine shape. The length is measured around the curve. The grooves are amazingly deep and you can see towards end small holes that is caused by a severe infection that softens the tip and it wore off . I’ve seen this before ,and it sometimes is arthritis but in this case was a severe infection as confirmed by the top paleontologist in the country. It makes this more valuable- much more. Its just leaves me speechless. It has no repair ,no restoration- just a whole claw as the animal dies. The tonnage caused wear due to infection called fistula lines so no pointed end but remember unless a small TREX the tips wear down to a rounded tip like this on even non-diseased animals . Nothing is missing here. Its a beautiful claw , it’s hard to describe pristine. Connection points are never this good. The picture are the best way to show you . Nothing is like this in the world and one of most amazing finds . The top paleontologists in the world said it was the best claw he ever saw and most valuable , and he has seen over a dozen whole Rexes. Stan found in Buffalo , SD had large claws but this is comparable or larger . This is so valubel and awesome I cant sell it IT doesn’t get any better than this Much more rare than Large Tooth Not For Sale Its one of my Top Pieces
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