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Species: Adelphailurus kansensis Species Description: This is rarest of all sabertooth cats in USA that lived from early Miocene 6-8 MYA and were the size of a modern cougar or puma . Its body also had the same shape as a puma also, and had long compressed upper canine-sabers that hunted small birds and mammals in ambush . This cat is a false saber-tooth cat and had retained a second upper premolar, which is unusual for a cat . It was the second largest of the late Miocene cats and was an Eurasian immigrant. It was a metailurus cat, which besides this species and one other was only found in Asia and a few in Europe. It is not one of the top 6 saber-cats found and has only been found with partials with top of skull never found in USA according to reading all documents . It was identified by Hilbert in 1934 with only a few skull pieces and a few partial bones ever found so this skull is the most complete skull known to exist. A partial humerus, radius, ulna first phalanx and was named after the first skull jaw section found in Kansas. Most of bones found in Arizona in this small area, and one found in Bone Valley, Florida also. Geological formation: Milk Creek Formation Geological period: 8-6 MYA Miocene Early Hempghilian Tribe-Metailuri Genus: metailurus Item Location: Congress Junction, Arizona Item rating and description: (1-10) 10 AMAZING 11” Long x 7” wide agape Adelpharilurus kansensis saber-tooth cat SKULL-The Most complete ever found . This is an amazing piece as this is the most in one skull of its species ever found as only a few skull fragments exist . While it does have a large amount of restore much of lowers are real bone with teeth plus one upper maxilla with teeth are original to one animal. IN other words with 3 jaws 3 of 4 molar teeth pairings are original and the back of cat is original plus one original saber plus part of side of upper. The rest is filled in so % is still about 40% original-estimate. This cat is so amazing and so well prepped it’s a treat to look at. Again while not highly original it’s the best ever found so this is for people who want a one of a kind this is it. For your perfectionists which I know some- do not even try to buy this. I want someone who appreciates this large cat eventually but really do not intend to sell ever Again this is the most complete one of its species ever found so no perfect ones exist and probably never will . This is the most complete ever skull so one of a kind
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Beautiful Hoplophoneus Highest Quality Saber-Cat Skull 7 9/16 w Great Teeth-@ 2 Real Sabers (Yes 2)

Beautiful Hoplophoneus Saber- Cat Skull 7 9/16 w Great Teeth-2 Real Sabers Species : Hoplophoneus primaevus Species description: The long –legged Nimravid saber-tooth cat (one of larger one)with razor –sharp sabers and the second earliest saber-tooth cat that roamed North America beginning in the Oligocene Period 35 MYA -23 MYA . These animals had a lot of physical characteristics similar and exact to Smilodon including famous saber-guards and similar sabers while smaller . They stood at over 2 ft tall the size of a large bobcat, and were more of a group predator with a close knit families as evidenced by some hoplos found together in death while overall very rare species hunting an abundant food supply of grazing ungulates including camels and oreodonts. Using their highly developed saber-teeth they would likely sever the blood supply in the neck of their prey in the initial attack. Geological strata: White River Formation Geological Timeframe : Orellan , Oligocene Approx 30 MYA Item location : Custer County , SD Item rating and description: 1-10 9.8 Gorgeous 87-90% Original Hoplophoneus Saber-Cat Skull 7 9/16” long with 2.5” Sabers. This is one of the earlier hoplos thus smaller than later ones by a little This cat was described by my contact as one of better cats ever. You cant find one with 2 sabers anymore . They were repaired which you can see , and you can see how much bone is in this cat. Schematics will be provided on this . The teeth are amazing. On upper all teeth are original with only one incisor restored. The lower teeth have 4 real teeth 3 restored with 1 large incisor only on one side restored. This is the best cat I’ve had in a long while . Sabers are so beautiful and straight . Onb upper only saggital crest and ¾ of zygos are restored with a few spot fills.On lower only one side at top of back except spot fills is restored which is amazing . This cat is worth a fortune . The Rock display also is heavy and is rare for any cat -which makes it stable and so pleasing to the eye . Anyway Here it is Words don’t do this justice . I sell 6 sabercats per year and this is best one in 2 years I’ve had . All have sold. I agree it is one of my best, and the best upper and lower you would ever find (lowers is from another cat but matches perfectly ). To get a cat with almost all of incisors real is just not reality anymore normally . This is one I won’t mind keeping, but it can be yours. An animal this good should go for $15,000, as I’ve seen many sell for thru the years .I will not discount a pure beauty in nature. I have more pics if you need it. Also this cat was obtained by a good friend who knows something about cats I would say who has a nice collection and it was one of his best , now it’s mine. Cats have gone up a lot so here it is. Every year they appreciate more also so great investment . The stone display is rare and makes it more valuable and displays better . YOu will not fi nd a better more original skull except here I have 2 Price : $13,499 Final Price $11,999 wire only way to pay Alan Stout Shipping :$239 overnite
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Beautiful Aesthetically Pleasing 7.5” Chocolate Dinictis -First Saber-tooth Cat Amazing Teeth2 Saber

Beautiful Aesthetically Pleasing 7.5” Chocolate Dinictis First Saber-Tooth w Amazing Teeth Species: Chocolate Dinictis Felina Saber- Cat Skull Species description: The long –legged dinictis with razor –sharp sabers was the smallest and the earliest saber-tooth cat that roamed North America beginning in the Eocene Period 45 MYA -23 MYA . They stood at least 2 ft tall with cheetah-like habits and diet , and were solitary predators hunting an abundant food supply of grazing ungulates including camels and oreodonts . Using their highly developed saber-teeth they would likely sever the blood supply in the neck of their prey in the initial attack. Most skulls were about 7.5 inches long Geological strata: Lower Zone Brule Formation Geological period: 40-23.5MYA Item location: NW Nebraska Item rating and description: 1-10 8.5 Rare Chocolate7.5” Dinictis Saber-Tooth Cat Skull Found which was found many years ago . These are 2 sabers complete, and all teeth but 2 small incisors which makes it one of best ever on teeth , which is by far the most important part of cat . The only problem is the top skull mostly was eaten away by erosion as it was above ground . The prepper has to save it by using a cast on top. Some parts of nose and back is real on upper as well as half of both zygos. The lower is amazing on teeth and bone, as all of this was underground. It’s a way for someone who doesn’t mind on upper lots of resto, but the rest is amazing with teeth you could just cry. A chocolate dinictis is almost unheard of as only a few miles radius in Nebraska Oligocene these can be found. I can honestly say that probably a very small percentage of cats are this color, and I’ve only had two others in 20 years. This is an average size dinictis. It has beautiful dark brown original sabers est about 2” inches along. . The lower jaws are much better than normal with a small amount in backs of lowers. The teeth make this just wonderful. You never get hardly any incisors which is 12 teeth and all but 2 are original. All on the top are perfect . All and all a very good cat It can be shipped without fear of breakage .This is for again someone who doesn’t care on top originality but wants a low price and original teeth . IT comes with a metal display on wood base shown in last 2 pictures . It is so super it literally can hold you attention for a long time. Nothing compares to this cat in teeth and overall beauty. IM selling at my cost so this cat would cost 10,000-11,000 if upper was better on bone. Price $6999 firm Call 706-235-2694 Can do 20% down and monthly payments Wire or checks only Paypal possible once we talk Hold Eric Shipping $225 overnite
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Amazing Premium Hoplophoneus Saber-Tooth Cat Skull 7” Long w Slate Display

Amazing Great Hoplophoneus Saber-tooth Cat Skull 7” Long Species: Beautiful Large Hoplophoneus primaevus Species description: The hoplophoneus is the second earliest saber-tooth cat that roamed North America beginning in the Oligocene Period 38 MYA -23 MYA . They stood at least 2.5 ft tall with cheetah-like habits and diet , and were solitary predators hunting an abundant food supply of grazing ungulates including camels and oreodonts . Using their highly developed saber-teeth they would likely sever the blood supply in the neck of their prey in the initial attack. Geological Strata : White River (Badlands Group) Brule Formation Middle Oligocene (Orellan) Geological period: 30-25 MYA Item location: Custer County, S Dakota Private Ranch Description and rating 1-10 9.7 Unbelieveable Early Hoplophoneus Saber-Tooth cat 7” Skull . It has beautiful original long sabers with one repaired at top of root and was assembled from breakage only . The skull is really estimated at over 90% easily mounted on a smooth mineral great stand. It has a great upper from one saber cat and matching lower from another. The upper had all incisors with canines, and lower had all real except 4 incisors casted but large canine incisors are real also so it’s unheard of to this many real teeth on any sabercat in USA . All molars and premolars original. The teeth are at least highly original -I consider this great. This piece has so much class and from an area they get best skulls in USA. Its mine but don’t have this yet, and prefer it being bought on time, but if you wish it the person holding it for me will mail it to you . The diagrams are provide to show both sides of the skull with orange one cat, yellow the other, and blue the restoration. These aren’t provided often so take a hard look a to see how good this is. The upper and lower match extremely well. The display is amazing at end of pictures . The diagram shows all .Its up to you but this will sell so fast. The last 2 pictures show it on mineral display Its so beautiful . You would be so lucky to own this cat . You don’t get cats this good especially a hoplo with long sabers that are both real . AS you can see the work done on restoration is so minimal with all details which is also abnormal. YOu will not find a better skull now anywhere for same price . Price: $12,899 call 706-235-2694 sold Deb Frank G Final price : $12,799 Must be paid check to me or Wire email Shipping : Overnite 2 boxes possible $290 Use layaway 20%^ down and monthly payments on this one :
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Beautiful Colored Highly Original Hoplophoneus Saber-Cat Skull 8” w 2 Great Sabers & Teeth w Bone

Beautiful Light Color Highly Original Hoplophoneus Saber- Cat Skull 8” w 2 Great Sabers Species : Hoplophoneus primaevus Species description: The long –legged Nimravid saber-tooth cat (one of larger one)with razor –sharp sabers and the second earliest saber-tooth cat that roamed North America beginning in the Oligocene Period 35 MYA -23 MYA . These animals had a lot of physical characteristics similar and exact to Smilodon including famous saber-guards and similar sabers while smaller . They stood at over 2 ft tall the size of a large bobcat, and were more of a group predator with a close knit families as evidenced by some hoplos found together in death while overall very rare species hunting an abundant food supply of grazing ungulates including camels and oreodonts. Using their highly developed saber-teeth they would likely sever the blood supply in the neck of their prey in the initial attack. Geological strata: Scenic Member , Brule Formation Geological Timeframe : Orellan , Oligocene Approx 30 MYA Item location : Custer County , SD Item rating and description: 1-10 9.8 Gorgeous est 85%-88% Original Hoplophoneus Saber-Cat Skull 8” long with long 2- 2.25” Sabers. This cat appears so great . Every cat I get from this area from one person sells so fast due to quality of cat. It’s amazing. You just cant get 2 sabers real (little rough on one) anymore even though these are from another hoplo thats fits perfectly. Many incisors are real on this cat even with a small portion of bone from another hoplo sabercat on upper and lower in front(orange areas ). Bone wise and teeth wise over 90% is real . One side of the cat is at least 98% real. Refer to diagram below to know exact areas of any or no resto . The molars and premolars to same cat , and are amazing quality without repair . You won’t see a better quality cat anymore. The lower jaw is original to this cat also which is rare. They are so hard to get anymore. The teeth are so appealing and love the bone also. Incisors are almost never real and many of these are on top and bottom. Sabers are so beautifully prepped and light colored which you don’t see a lot . On upper only sagittal crest and maybe a little on zygos are restored with a few spot fills is it . Any hoplo (mini smilodon) that is 80% real is an amazing find and sell now at $15,000 On lower only one side at top of back except spot fills is restored which is amazing . This cat is worth a fortune. The stone-metal display makes this so presentable with metal uprights and is rare for any cat -which makes it stable and so pleasing to the eye . Anyway Here it is. Words don’t do this justice . I sell 6-10 sabercats per year and this will go fast at this price . All have sold. This is one I won’t mind keeping, but it can be yours. An animal this good should go for over 12,000,as I’ve seen many sell for thru the years .I will not discount a pure beauty in nature. I have more pics if you need it. Also this cat was obtained by a good friend who knows something about cats I would say who has a nice collection. Cats have gone up a lot so here it is. Every year they appreciate more also so great investment . This is the best I have currently and expect to get for some time. There is so little actual restoration that this is 88% real bone and teeth that you get the chance to pay $3000 less Price : $ Call 706-235-2694 Wire only GREAT CAT Final Price : SOLD Shipping : $399 with insurance overnite The insurance will cost 250 and overnite shipping is another $250 so IL do part of shipping on this
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Monster Almost Non-existent Highly Original SABERCAT Pogonodon Species(11.75”)-Great Find

Species: Pogonodon cismontamus(Platycopis) Species description: One of earliest Nimravidae endemic to North America and Eurasia .A Nimravid saber-tooth cat that roamed North America beginning in the Oligocene Period 30.8MYA -7.2MYA . They stood at least 4 ft tall with cheetah-like habits and diet , and were solidary predators hunting an abundant food supply of grazing ungulates including camels and oreodonts . Using their highly developed saber-teeth they would likely sever the blood supply in the neck of their prey in the initial attack. Their sabers are smaller than a Dinictis normally but not this specimen as shown with this specimen and estimated weight was around 70 lbs . This fossil is so rare it has little written about it .It lived at least 30 million years ago .This one weighed hundreds of lbs .This specimen is so big the sabers are much bigger than a dincitis , and one of rarest fossils on earth. Geological strata: Uppermost Brule Formation Just below uppermost nodules in the White Zone Just at bottom of Sharps Formation Geological period: 32-24 MYA This one 32-30 MYA –Top of Layers so a later more advanced one - Item location: White River Badlands -Shannon County , S Dakota on private land Item Rating & Details :1-10 10 This is one of most greatest finds in America on Sabercat world . I would say with teeth its at least 85% Original. Its just as large as a Smilodon except the sabers at a fraction of the price, even though its rarer. It’s a POGONODON HIGHLY ORIGINAL SABER-TOOTH CAT I have sold many cats but only had 1 in past that was smaller at 10.5 inches but this is huge at almost 12 “. What makes this such a great find is originality of the bone skull is an amazing 95% and these just aren’t found . Both sabers have over half original on each with one the tip back and other base up. Restored are incisors and part of saber with some work to make sabers astetically pleasing . This is a Highly original Extremely Rare saber -cat. It has been IDed by a knowledgeable authority. Skull, sabers and almost all teeth are exceptional which is the most important item, and the prep work was fantastic as it is exceptionally done . The zygos are even real worth just a little restored . The lowers are amazing even with most of back original and not same cat. The color , shape and rareness is just unmatched and have only seen a few of these my entire life . I have one in my collection but this I hate to sell but will if price is right WHAT A Great cat. THIS IS ONE OF TOP POGO SPECIMENS ANYWHERE ON EARTH and ONE OF LARGEST. A LIFETIME KEEPER and one of a few that exist including museums . BONE QUALITY unmatched anywhere . These are believed to be developed from the dinictis genus which is the smallest of the American cats but just look at this one My only 1 I ever had except my private collection piece which I still have, was another I sold . This is one of the largest USA species sabercats , with the others having only a few found and not available to public . Smilodons sell at auction over $300,000 and only a few ever offered . Homotheriums in USA only in Texas museum, and xenosmilus only 2 in existence privately held . This is just too magnificent to sell Now I only have 1 in my private collection
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