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Species : Panthera ATROX Lion (American LION) Species Description : The American lion evolved from the earlier Panthera leo fossilis, which I have from Europe, and this skull is believed to be the best specimen ever found that old. It was believed to be 250,000 years ago when it first came to Alaska over Bering Strait with earlier lions as old as 500,000 years old even though only bits and pieces up to 350,000 years have been found. Also DNA shows this to be identical to Cave Lion so they are identical species in my opinion. This is the largest Lion that ever lived much larger than African Lions with skulls up to 16-18 inches over 15% larger. It is roamed in Alaska, YUKON , California at La Brea and Florida with traces in S Carolina. It is the largest carnivore ever except Short-face Bear Geographic Period : Late Pleistocene Epoch 60,000- 10,000 Geographic time: 50,000-20,000 years ago Item Location : Gold Mine. Alaska Livengood (IT was purchased from a Dealer in Southern Alaska Northwest of Skagway, Alaska close to Yukon Item rating and description : 1-10 *10* Words really don’t match how great, wonderful, awe inspiring, magnificent this American Lion . It comes with a skeleton w a large % of this lion was In the Americas. The skull was purchased in the USA from a dealer friend from Alaska 25 years ago when all Alaskan lions were considered American Lions-most still do of course as this is . Now almost all people still consider it American lion if found in Alaska , but some research papers consider it spelaea species. Spealea is Europe so actually you cant believe all you read . Many items in google are so wrong . They still haven’t provided an American name yet so a top specialist said call it still Alaska lion or American Lion . After talking to Original owner the Alaskan dealer said American Lion , and whether found in Yukon or Alaska it is still American lion . One of my cat expert friends expert says only maybe 10 skulls at most have been found in Canada, Yukon and Alaska, and Florida combined with maybe 3 in private collections(mine and his included so maybe one more somewhere ) as tAlaska is only place for private collections they were found. No more in years have been found . American lions are from Alaska ,Yukon to Mexico to Florida to California. This skull is from 25 years ago so exact location is impossible to know except Alaska-line-Yukon border is known for sure. Its 17” Long the skull as measured around the upper curve from back of incisors to back tip of sagittal crest. The skull is so complete bone is at least 97% original. The American Lion to be is the absolute height of the fossil world as I’d rather have that as its rarer than Smilodon material, and I love saber-tooth cats. The American lion and the Cave Lion are one in the same even though some people call this spelaea because no other name can be agreed on by the scientific world. Until 2009 there was no doubt of classification of Alaskan lion but recently they are trying to distinquish this from Canada just miles away with items which is impossible to know . It crossed the Bering Strait 340,000 years ago -one lion and did mutate at certain areas. Some ridilous papers say one small number of bones found in Canada indicate Beringa Lions from Russia made it to Canada and went to American Lion . American Lion was largest species ever Beringa Lions of Russia were the smallest ever even smaller than lions today. Spelea we know made it to Alaska but I believe Alaska is America -isn’t it as many call it this which is also ridiculous as these are in North America and American Lions in Alaska are American Lions also as known by anyone who works with these There is no difference than ones in La Brea in charateristics . In fact they were the same size in most cases and most even bigger in Spelea However rarely are they ever found over 30,000 years old . This one appears to be around that from the color No museum, no private collector known has a better complete skull as this is almost perfect . If you have one send pics.The teeth were repaired and some from other same size American Lion but all teeth are present and real . I don’t want to even find fault with this skull as it was done by the nation’s best prepper, my dear friend who is the smartest man in the world who knows everything on skulls of cats. Even a perfectionist can’t find fault with this and who even has partials of this. You would have to be an unhappy person to even try to find something wrong here. I only see beauty and you will too I’m sure. To be it’s the best ever found. The originality is spectacular as you will never find more lion bone on any skull anywhere. Only crack fills and even parts were American Lion. This skull makes so happy as I can’t describe the emotional feeling of ownership of this cat. It doesn’t get any better, not even the first best original lion I have the upper that is fantastic also. IM so lucky. What preservation this cat shows. It was highly original from one cat but more American lion skull parts plus some modern lion used so no resin . You can’t even tell of crack fills which makes this so amazing . I venture to say this is the best American lion skull anywhere . It gets better –the skeleton was done by the same person and is virtually complete American lion from a couple animals the same size. It took years to get this assembled and 6 years to get this skull. Darker color indicates age or location found so this is amazing as this is darker than normal .Minimal restore and repair is all that has happened here. It will be in my collection for a long time even though I have many people would pay a fortune for this. Money is not important on an animal like this to be viewed over and over. You can’t even put a price on this as it’s priceless, but everything is for sale sometime maybe if a huge amount is offered in later years Ill relent. But that is years away. I tried to put words on this but this is undescribable so look at pics. Simply Awesome. The pics are amazing. Part Of Skeleton Not for sale separately. If sold this must be picked up . No shipping. See pics afterward. Whole skeleton $$429,333